Minority Appeasement “Policy” Of The NDA Govt.

DC Nath SmallPresident of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…

November 19, 2015

Dear Friends,

Subject: Minority Appeasement “Policy” Of The NDA Govt.

Yes, it is about the minority appeasement “policy” of the NDA government. Some of us were the other day talking about the NDA government, led by Narendra Modi. When we had told in the course of the discussion that the PRIMARY reason for the image of the NDA government going down before the eyes of the majority(at least till date) community was, apart from its blatant attempt at continuing with the minority (read the Muslims) appeasement policy, its giving further impetus to them, we were asked whether we could prove that “allegation” by facts and figures.

We confidently said “Yes”.

Initially, we felt we should send him the copies of the circulatory mails sent out by us in recent times, Then, we decided that public memory being proverbially short, it would possibly be better to summarise the facts lifting the same from the relevant mails for the benefit of our learned readers. Some may feel bad at being bothered again. Our sincere apology to them.

Let us declare this in the beginning itself that our intention is neither anti -Muslim nor with any malice against them. This will be an attempt to bring to light sharply what we feel definitely Muslim appeasement policy, some initiated by the same erstwhile Congress government, being continued by the current NDA government blindly, if not devotedly. And, then, let us also put on record how the NDA government has been almost rushing to outdo its predecessor in this respect.

Part I

Minority Appeasement by the Congress continued by the NDA

It deserves to be mentioned that our attempt is also not aimed to be anti- BJP-led- NDA government. We shall bring into focus at one place matters known from before.

1. Haj grants to facilitate the members of the Muslim community to undertake this pilgrimmage is, we are told, not available in any Muslim countries. Is this not an act of appeasement? It is nowhere in the Constitution that has already laid down guidelines for protecting and promoting minority interests, without however defining the expression “minority”. And, This continues.

2. The “fudged” report the “illegally” constituted Sachar Committee under a Ministry of Minority Affairs, illegally created for it when a Constitutional body, the Minority Commission, already exists, is a clear and open attempt at appeasing the minority community. Some State governments have declared the Committee illegal and the matter is now in the Supreme Court. Some private bodies have also challeged the constitution of this Committee. Their PILs are now in the Apex Court pending hearing. The NDA government seems least bothered about the matter.

3. The recommendations of the Sachar Committee defies all logic, suggesting a huge range of benefits to the minority communities. This was even on the face of the fact that the Muslim community was better off than the Hindus, as revealed in the Census Report of 2001. These have been pointed out by many. The NDA government remain unmoved.

4. The recommendations of the follow-up Ranganath Mishra Commission report are also being implemented without those being placed on the floor of the house.

5. A unique advantage being enjoyed by the Muslims in India is road-blocking on weekly Friday Namaj times and that on the national highway on the occasion of the Eid. The general public suffer. So, what? On December 9, 2006, the UPA Prime Minister Manmoham Singh had made an unprecedented and illegal pronouncement that “the Minorities in particulars the Muslim minority must have the first claim on the nation’s resources.”

Part II

NDA government’s direct contributions.

1. A Pakistani citizen and a self confessed founder member co-founder of the SIMI (Imran khan) is being continued to remain an MP in the Rajya Sabha. This has been pointed out to the NDA government.

2. Here are a few examples of the level or extent of freedom of speech enjoyed by eminent Muslim leadersin India in recent times:

i). “Let the police forces be withdrawn for about 15 minutes, we would be able to account for them”.

—Akabaruddin Owaisi

ii).Hindus shouldn’t make the mistake of considering Indian-Muslims any different from the Pakistan-Muslims. If India may dare to attack Pakistan, then the 25 crore Indian Muslims will join Pakistan Forces and fight against India.

(Asaduddin Owaisi, Loksabha Sansad, MIM, Hyderabad)

iii). Hindus do not have any rights to vote in Arab, Pakistan or any one of the 56 Islamic Nations. I challenge: Has even a single Hindu the strength (guts) to impose restrictions on our (Muslims’) voting-rights in India?

(Maulana Badarrudin Ajmal, Loksabha Sansad, AIUDF, Assam)

iv). In Hyderabad, our Muslim population has crossed 50%, and now we are in majority. Therefore, I demand the Administration to impose restrictions on celebration of Hindu festivals such as Ram-Navami, Hanuman Jayanti etc. In the Bhagya-Lakshmi temple, near Char-Minar, we have already shown our strength by stopping the ringing of the Bell/gong. We Muslims will ensure that this temple is also destroyed.

(Akbaruddin Owaisi, Sansad, Majlis-e-Ittehadul-Musalmeen, (AIMIM), Hyderabad, India)

v). Muslims have ruled India for 1100 years. Lakhs of Hindus were beheaded. Crores of Hindus were converted into Islam. We divided India, and snatched Pak & Bangladesh. Demolished 2000 temples and converted these into mosques. It is out of our fear that Hindus even today chant: “Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai”. This is the strength of Islam.

(Maulana Jhakir Nayeek, Mumbai)

3. The basic Muslim educational institutions of the Muslims, namely, the madrassas. It has been proved in October 2, 2014, in West Bengal how the madrassas are turned into explosive-manfacturing factories. Even the Information Minister, supported by the Defence Minister of Pakistan have said on May 19, 2015, that the madrassas are “Universities of ignorance and spreading an ideology of hatred and conservativeness to the society.”

The NDA government do not, however, seem to be bothering about that.

4. Some months back, the Minister of State for Minority Affairs had gone on “Bharat Darshan” tour to assure the Muslim fraternity that they ought to have no apprehension from the Modi Sarkar.

5. It was the turn of the Minister for Minority Affairs herself (Nazma Heptullah) to take this forward.

6. After that, comes the Vice President Hamid Ansari. During his interaction with the delegation from the All India Majlish-e-Mushawarat, he empathised in no uncertain terms with the fate of the Muslims as to how much remained towards ameliorating their conditions of living.

7. On October 5, 2015, there had been a full-page ad by the Ministry Of Minority Affairs in all major national dailies (may be in vernacular dailies also) on “Jashan-e-Ustad,subtitled: “India’s Creative Continuum–Minority Communities In Craft”. As a learned scholar has beautifully observed, “This is another instance of minority (Muslim) appeasement policy. It has become an official policy to distinguish between artisans on the basis of their religion (at the cost of quality) and thus foster this difference”.

8. More recently, the Union Home Minister gave a certificate that all Indian Muslims are nationalists. Was not this a totally uncalled for attempt to please the Muslims? What for? Have not the NDA government learnt their lessons on the Muslim mind in Kashmir and more recently in Bihar?

9. The security threat from illegal immigration by Muslims from Bangladesh is known. This is being tolerated and no concrete action is afoot, despite the direction of the Apex court.

10. There are places in the State of West Bengal where the Hindus need Muslim permission to burn their deads in the traditional burning ghats. The State police cannot also help. Nobody bothers

There are many more examples. But, we stop here for the sake of the mail being rather longish.

Well, Friends, are all these not NDA’s efforts to appease the Muslims in India? Have we been able to convince you that the NDA have been, for reasons of political correctness and selfish political motives, following a minority appeasement policy, clear and simple?

What is the remedy? Hindu will have to think over and protest. Hindu backlash cannot be overlooked.


Your sevak,
D.C. Nath

(Former Spl. Director, IB)

(President, Patriots’ Forum)

Source: Patriot Forum

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