Zed commends Pakistan’s National Assembly & Sindh Government for Hindu holidays

Rajan-Zed-11-e1401957530709Hindu statesman Rajan Zed has commended National Assembly of Pakistan for reportedly adopting a resolution that the Government should take steps to declare Holi, Dewali and Easter as closed holidays for minorities.

Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, also praised Pakistan’s Sindh Government for reportedly declaring first time public holiday for Holi throughout the Sindh Province for all offices, autonomous, semi-autonomous bodies, corporations and local councils under the administrative control of Sindh Government except essential services.

Rajan Zed described these moves as steps in the positive direction.

Zed points out that despite theological differences; religions teach us love, sharing, respect, fairness, morality, ethics, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, humility, etc. Dialogue helps us overcome prejudices, brings us closer and results in mutual enrichment, Zed adds.

Source: World Hindu News (WHN)