HSAI tours Ekambaranathar Temple – India 2016

HSAI tours Ekambaranathar Temple located in the district of Kanchipuram in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This temple is one of five major Shiva Temples in India, with each temple representing a different element (earth, air, fire, water, sky); the Ekambaranathar Temple is the Shiva Temple representing Earth. The temple has existed since at least 600 AD and was originally constructed under the Pallava Dynasty. The structure was demolished however and rebuilt by the kings of the Chola dynasty. Ekambaranathar Temple was home to the famous poet and Vedantist Kachiyapper and its remodeling was championed by the famous Hindu philosopher Adi Sankara.   According to one Hindu legend, it is believed that Parvati worshipped Shiva in the form of a Prithivi Lingam (or a Lingam improvised out of sand), under a mango tree at this location.[1] Legend has it that the neighboring Vegavati river overflowed and threatened to engulf the Shiva Lingam and that Parvati embraced the Lingam to protect it. Shiva touched by the gesture materialized in person and married her. The temple is supposedly built over this spot.  Pictures of the temple tour are below.

[1] Let’s Go India and Nepal, 8th Ed. Let’s Go Publications. p. 585.

