RSS to focus on branch expansion

RSSDecember 1,2015

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) pracharak Devender Reddy called upon the activists to expand the braches of the organisation to reach the one-lakh target.

Addressing the concluding session of the RSS held at Medak town on Sunday night, Mr. Reddy said there was a need to penetrate into the lower sections of the society. Stating that the population of Hindus was going down alarmingly, he said there was a conspiracy to divide the nation again and recalled how India was divided in the past when minority population was more.

He stressed the need for unity in the society.

Referring to the statements on ‘intolerance’, Mr. Devender Reddy questioned the silence of the ‘so called’ intellectuals during attacks at Muzafarnagar and burning of kar sevaks in a train. About 600 activists participated in the training programme.

Source: The Hindu