Muslim fanatics in Bangladesh attacked thirty two Sikh-Hindu pilgrims

Sikh Pilgrims attacked by Muslim Robbers in Chatgaon-Dhaka RouteThirty two Sikh-Hindu pilgrims attacked by Muslim robbers in micro-bus on the way of Gurudwara Nanak Mandir in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Two of them stabbed by knife for robbing Rs. 45000, mobiles etc. Police rescued the victims afterwards.

HENB | Dhaka | Dec 8, 2015:: On Monday night at around 12.30 am, 32 Hindu-Sikh pilgrims from neighboring India were robbed by the fanatic Muslim attackers in four micro-buses while the pilgrimage team was returning from Chakbazar of Chittagong to  Dhaka.

The Pilgrimage team reached Bangladesh on Dec 3 with a plan to visit most the venerated Sikh shrines and Gurudwaras in Bangladesh situated at Mymensingh, Chittagong, Dhaka and some other places.

On Sunday morning the pilgrimage team went to Chittagong to pay a visit to Chakbazar-Jaynagar Sikh Temple and faced the severe attack Monday night at return journey. Near Sitakunda Terihat on the Chittagong-Dhaka highway, a 25-30 strong Muslim weapon wielding group stopped the pilgrimage buses by stoning rampantly. They also blocked the road by tree trunks and entered the buses by breaking gate and windshield. To frighten the pilgrims they were also shouting ‘Allaho Akbar’ and ‘Kaffir ko mar dalo (kill the kaffirs)’.

But, while two brave Sikh men tried to stop the miscreants, about ten Muslims attacked them swords and knife. Joginder Singh (45) and Amarjit Singh (55) fell down in pull of blood after being stabbed severely.

Creating this situation, the Muslims robbed Rs 45000 (US $ 675), mobiles and other belongings without any further resistance. They slapped and kicked some elderly pilgrims as they were not carrying no sufficient money with them and hurled slang calling them ‘kaffir’.

When the Jihadi robbers went away, one of the micro-bus driver contacted the nearest police station over mobile phone. Fortunately, the SP of Chittagong A K M Hafiz Akhter reached the spot with a police contingent.

The injured persons were given first aid at nearby Mir Sarai Seva Medical Center. But, two severely injured Joginder Singh (45) and Amarjit Singh (55) were immediately transferred to Dhaka Medical College.

The other members of the pilgrimage team were also taken to Dhaka with police escort.

A Hindu-Namdhari member of the victimized pilgrimage team Ravi Das Pappu told, “the situation was  worst and sometime we thought an end of our life under the attack of  miscreants with sharpened weapons. By God’s grace we escaped ultimately.”

This news of Islamic persecution on visiting non-Muslim pilgrims in Bangladesh is supposedly censored. All most all the media (print and electronic) in Bangladesh suppressed the news in a clandestine manner.

Bangladesh has suffered a rising tide of Islamist violence over the past years. Four bloggers against religious militancy have been hacked to death, among them a U.S. citizen of Bangladesh origin this year. A publisher also killed by the Jihadi outfits for publishing the books against Talibani doctrines.

Last Muharram saw a blast on Shia procession near a Shiite mosque killing two. An Italian and another Japanese social workers were also killed in Islamic Bangladesh in recent times. Suspected Islamists blast in a Rash Mela programme at Kantaji temple in the Dinajpur area just on  Dec 5. 10 persons were injured in Hindu Religious gathering where an open air theatrical programme was on.

Religious minorities in Bangladesh are always persecuted. Now the foreigner coming to Bangladesh for pilgrimage are also being the victim of condemnable Islamic attack.

Source: Agencies and D Jugasankha.

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