Govt abattoirs in Kerala allows slaughtering of many pregnant, lactating cows and calves!

Three Kochi Women allows slaughtering Pregnant CowsAttempt to slaughter lactating cow foiled by VHP and SPCA in Kerala.

HENB | Kochi | Dec 15, 2015:: Now, the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) run Kochi corporation with the help of Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) went to an attempt of unbelievable food fashion through procuring more beef by killing a lactating cow with its calf.

After a brief lull, an abattoir managed by Kochi Corporation at Kaloor has been caught in controversy for slaughtering of pregnant and lactating cows. On Monday, tension prevailed at the slaughterhouse when animal rights activists and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) members foiled the attempt to slaughter a lactating cow and its calf. With the intervention of cops alrmed by the cow-savers and anti-animal-cruelty activists , cow and its calf was shifted to a ‘goshala’ at Tripunithura.

The incident happened around 6pm on Monday when a cow, which had given birth to a calf on Sunday, was brought for slaughtering. After getting an alert from an animal enthusiast, Society of Prevention of Cruelty against Animals (SPCA) members intervened with their counterparts in VHP.

“We alerted Ernakulam north police and shifted the cow. Meat stalls owners were against our attempt to save the cow. Even after the rescue, we could find a few more pregnant cows at the market. The corporation has failed to control slaughtering of pregnant and lactating cows,” said SPCA secretary T K Sajeev.

Balakrishnan Aneesh of VHP Ernakulam unit said that it would start an indefinite strike at the slaughterhouse if similar inhuman incidents happen in the future.

To counter the recent activism by the Hindu Forces, SPCA and the Vegan propagators for preventing illegal and rampant cow slaughter by the Halal believers for their increased zest for more and more beef, the anti Hindu Leftist, Secularist and the Congress wings have been helping slaughter of  more cow progeny only to hurt the Hindu sentiment only to  appease the Muslim community in India.

Unfortunately, three mothers in Kochi (Cochin) Corporation, Soumini Jain (Mayor, belonging the Indian National Congress Party, Mob 09633746942); Pathukutty Ashraf (a Muslim Councilor of Muslim League in Kaloor North area, Mob 09567963391) and Gracy Joseph (Christian Councilor of Indian National Congress in Kaloor South area, Mob 09961210666) are not showing proper responsibility to prohibit the slaughter of pregnant and lactating cows under the clutches of communal party politics.

It is known from a reliable source that many Jihadi groups and Radicalized Islamic Political party like SDPI, IMUL, PDF  etc. are propagating cow-slaughter and beef-eating in large scale and within the Hindus to harm the economy and cultural uniqueness of India. Both Congress and Leftists are helping these fanatics for Vote Bank Politics. Through the rampant cow-slaughter and beef-eating,  Kerala has lost many Indian breed cows left ‘Vechur cows’ as a dying species.

However, the SPCA and VHP units in Kerala have taken a vow to prevent cruelty on animal and ‘Beef Jihad’ in the state.

Source: Agencies.

Source: Hindu Existence