Christian and Islamic Conspiracy to desecrate Guru Granth Sahib in Punjab to blame Hindus

ਬੋਲੇ ਸੋ ਨਿਹਾਲ ਸਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ

Big Evangelic Crime busted in Punjab to desecrate “Guru Granth Sahib” to create sporadic communal tension for Hindu-Sikh divide. The mastermind of this sacrilege detected in Dubai and Australia. Pakistani provocation revealed. 

CulpritsHENB | Chandigarh | Oct 21, 2015:: The Punjab police have arrested two baptised Sikh brothers for the alleged desecration of the Guru Granth Sahib at Faridkot’s Bargari village.  These converted Christians in the name of Sikh names are believed to have committed the crime of sacrilege at the behest of a “foreign hand”.

As many as 112 torn pages of the Guru Granth Sahib were found by residents on October 12 which triggered widespread protests across the state. The government had come under a lot of flak after police had opened fire on more than 200-odd protesters at Faridkot’s Behbal Kalan village, killing two of them. In all, eight cases of desecration have been reported and police claim to have cracked five.

In the meanwhile, Intelligence Agencies warned the both Central and the State Govt regarding ISI conspiracy to create bigger trouble in Punjab.

Read also: Guru Granth Sahib sacrilege: Woman, gurdwara granthi held for Ghawaddi incident.

Additional director general of police (ADGP, crime and security) Iqbal Preet Sahota said 25-year-old Rupinder Singh and his 28-year-old brother Jaswinder belong to Panjgrain village in Faridkot. Rupinder Singh and his 28-year-old brother Jaswinder Singh were converted to Christianity last year and  have been able to spread and evangelic network in many habitations in Punjab and Haryana. The two have been slapped with charges of hurting religious sentiments and criminal conspiracy.

Read also: Intelligence Agencies Warned of ISI Plot to Create Trouble in Punjab.

Officials have acquired a 40-second recording of a telephonic conversation which makes subtle references to the desecration. According to the audio clip, which the police claim to be a clinching evidence, Rupinder makes polite inquiries from his brother on what is to be done with the holy book. When his brother seeks clarity on whether Rupinder is referring to the torn pages or the remaining portion, he asks him not to discuss the issue on the phone. In another audio clip between an Australian and Rupinder, references are made on financial transactions.

A ‘bir’ of Guru Grath Sahib was stolen from a gurdwara in Burj Jawahar Singhwala village on June 1. People have alleged that the Bargari pages belong to this book but police are yet to confirm this. The remaining portion of the holy book has not been found in the possession of the brothers.

Read also: Guru Granth Sahib desecration: Badal calls emergency Cabinet meet.

Sahota hinted at some radical Sikh groups settled outside India as being behind the desecrations and saw it as an attempt to disturb the peace in Punjab. He said that he suspected a “foreign hand” in the act of hurting religious sentiments but refused to clarify who he was pointing to. This has an aim to divide the Hindu-Sikh unity and  harmony in Punjab. According to ADGP, crime and security, the crime was committed for money as well as to create unrest in Punjab.

While these disclosures were made by the special investigation team (SIT) constituted by Punjab government on October 14, a battery of Punjab ministers led by deputy chief minister Sukhbir Badal rushed to address media at Punjab Police headquarters on Tuesday evening. “I have been particularly pained by these incidents of sacrilege and I seek exemplary punishment for them,” Sukhbir said.

Read also: Desecration of Guru Granth Sahib reported again near Bathinda. 

Yellow Journalism

While Rupinder is nursing a back injury at Apollo hospital in Ludhiana, Jaswinder is being further interrogated by Faridkot police officials. “During interrogation, it has been found that the two brothers have been talking to their masters abroad, includingDubai and Australia, and discussed about delivery of cash to them in lieu of their acts of sacrilege of Guru Granth Sahib” said Sahota.

Though two converted christians under the camouflage of their Sikh names are arrested for this sacrilegious act on Guru Granth sahib, the Islamic connection for this conspiracy against Hindus cannot be denied.

Immediate after the tension broke down all most over Punjab, two citizens killed in police firing over the protest on sacrilege, a section of Pakistan media started provoking  against India and particularly against Hindus.

Under the heading of “Sikh protesters chant pro-Pakistan slogans in IoK“, The Nation Newspaper of Pakistan started spitting hatred upon Hindus by stating the incident as “the desecration of the Guru Granth Sahib by Hindu fanatics in Punjab“.  Without any investigation the Pak media started stamping the Hindus as criminal for Holy Guru Granth Sahib desecration. These propagators of Hindu-Sikh division and champions of Yellow journalism do not know that the Holy Guru Granth Sahib is equally respected by both hindus and Sikhs.

Highlighting such slogans like “Kashmir Banega Pakistan, Punjab Banega Khalsa”,  a Pakistani connection can be ascertained behind this sacrilege by resurrecting the bogey of Pro Pakistan Bhindranwale and Babbar Khalsa.

__with input from Agencies. Courtesy to the pics and links used above.

Source: Hindu Existence