FHA Appeal to stop the exhibition “M.F.Husain at Hundred” at Aicon Gallery, New York

hussainAlert Hindus notified Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA), about the celebration of M.F. Husain’s 100th birth anniversary named as “Husain at Hundred” at Aicon Gallery, in New York, USA which will be held from September 17th through October 24, 2015

Accordingly, Forum for Hindu Awakening wrote to the Aicon Gallery and the speaker of the exhibition, Sumathi Ramaswamy but there has been no response from them.

M. F. Husain blatantly trampled upon the religious sentiments of millions of Hindus by denigrating Hindus’ revered Deities like Shri Rama, Shri Hanuman, Goddess Durga, and other Hindu Deities and Hindu culture through his many anti-Hindu paintings. M. F. Husain deliberately hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus by painting Hindu Deities and Bharat mata (Mother India) nude, while painting other religions’ figures fully clothed. As a result, many criminal complaints were lodged against him, and several arrest warrants were issued against him. M. F. Husain had fled India to evade arrest.

We now request you to appeal lawfully and peacefully to stop this exhibition “Husain at hundred”. We also suggest you to write and request them to stop this exhibition.

Email id of the Aicon Gallery: newyork@aicongallery.comharry@aicongallery.com; Andrew@Aicongallery.com

Contact number of Aicon Gallery: (212) 725-6092

Email id of Sumathi Ramaswamy: sr76@duke.edu

For more information please visit :


Source: WHN Media Network