10000 strong Hindus burn flags of Islamic State (ISIS) and Pakistani in Hindu Samhati rally

Rage on the streets of Kolkata – Islamic State (ISIS) and Pakistani flags burnt in Hindu Samhati rally with 10,000 participants in the first of its kind protest anywhere in the world

Aug 16, 2015

Kolkata: An organization named Hindu Samhati, currently in the news for raising global awareness in the Tuktuki Mondal case, assembled more than 10,000 volunteers in West Bengal to commemorate its annual foundation day event. This day is also celebrated by them as Gopal Mukherjee day. According to the organizers, it was on this day in 1946 that monstrous crowds had descended upon innocent people singling out a community for massacre to demand the partition of India. Almost 4000 people lost their lives and it was because of Gopal Mukherjee that may many lives were saved. According to Tapan Ghosh, the President of Hindu Samhati, “Gopal Chandra Mukherjee was a true Hindu hero whose armed resistance compelled the perpetrators to give up their goals of making Kolkata a part of East Pakistan and stopped the massacre of innocent Hindus”

Today’s rally is in the backdrop of the increasing number of missing girls from West Bengal, who are reported to be raped and trafficked every year. A crowd of more than 10,000 who attended the rally burnt flags of the Islamic State (ISIS). Pakistan’s flags were burnt too as well. Hindu Samhati Vice President, Devdutta Maji who led the protests explained, “28,000 daughters are missing from rural West Bengal in 2010 alone according to UN reports. Many of them are kidnapped, raped, converted and trafficked by Islamic fundamentalists who are being helped by the political parties. People are tired of this appeasement politics across the political spectrum and the ISIS type ideologies are making their roots stronger in the state. It only Hindu Samhati volunteers who is protesting and standing by the affected at great risk to their lives. An outburst was expected”. This is the first such large scale protest against ISIS anywhere in the world. Also a Pakistani terrorist named Naved was recently captured, the first such incident after the 26/11 Pakistani terrorist Kasab was captured. According to an organizer Prasun Maitra, “Pakistan today has become the epicenter of terrorism globally. Look at the public statement Pakistani terrorist Naved has given – It is fun, I came to kill Hindus. It is outrageous. Most of India’s wanted terrorists are hiding in Pakistan. Pakistan refuses to hand over Dawood and Hafeez Said while Hindus in Pakistan are in a miserable condition. A major protest was required and I am glad that many Hindus participated”. Photos of Jinnah, Surawardy and Dawood Ibrahim were also burnt. Previously ISIS and Pakistani flags have been burnt by VHP supporters in Jammu, but magnitude of this kind was never seen before anywhere in the world. The rally size is quite impressive considering that the organizers claim their support to be in the villages of West Bengal and the floods there having ravaged many villages recently.

The Islamic State or ISIS is gradually making its presence felt in India, Sometime back a person called Mehdi Maroor Biswas from West Bengal was arrested handling a pro-Islamic State Twitter account and confessed to have been close to many of the English speaking ISIS recruits. A google executive from Hyderabad was also caught while trying to join the Islamic State. The Islamic state (ISIS) today has its own social media presence and according to reports, documents reveal, that it has plans to create a Chaliphate in Bangladesh as well and then destabilize West Bengal and Assam where the demographics has changed considerably in recent times due to large scale illegal migration from Bangladesh. They have also declared there desire to make India a Chaliphate. The organizers said that the Mamata Banerjee administration, like previous regimes is helping this illegal immigration to continue and is in collusion with the Islamic fundamentalists. In recent times the Islamic State has justified rape of non-Muslim women as a religious theology. Rally organizer Debtanu Bhattacharya said “Hindu women are being kidnapped, raped, converted and trafficked by Islamic fundamentalists believing in ISIS type ideologies. These are global ideologies which know no boundaries. People need to be aware help defeat these forces”

Head of Sudershan News, Suresh Chavhanke was the Chief Guest at the rally. The rally ended with Tapan Ghosh saying, “There is a need for global Hindu unity and global Unity of all forces opposed to Islamic fundamentalism. Otherwise many civilizations around the world may be wiped out”. The outpouring of support in the rally for Hindu Samhati, the participation of youth and the global response it received for its handling of the Tuktuki Mondal case showed that it has emerged as a major voice for the Hindus in West Bengal and a power player in the state. Recently Hindu Samhati supporters have rallied in 7 cities in US and in UK showing deep global following for the organization. For the first time in West Bengal, Hindutva forces are making major inroads, where there is a record of 34 years of communist rule and known for its leftist politics. Is it a game changer for West Bengal and the Hindutva movement in India? Only time will tell.

ISIS Flag Burning

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Source: WHN Media Network