Bajrang Dal distribute pamphlets in school to protect Hindu’s daughters from ‘love jihad’

More than a dozen activists of the right-wing Bajrang Dal distributed pamphlets to school students warning them against ‘love jihad’ in Agra on Tuesday. 

The right-wingers were seen distributing pamphlets warning school girls to stay away from Muslim and Christian boys. 

The leaflet that was distributed in Agra claimed that around one lakh girls in India had already fallen victim to “love jihad”. 

The leaflet circulated by the outfit claimed that around one lakh girls in India had already fallen victim to ‘love jihad’

The leaflet circulated by the outfit claimed that around one lakh girls in India had already fallen victim to ‘love jihad’

Maintaining that a particular religion has been involved in “love jihad” and Hindu girls should be alert against such people, Ajju Chauhan, district president of Bajrang Dal, said: “The Hindu girls must understand that the youths of a particular religion trap them by displaying their fake opulence. Once the girls fall in their trap and develop relationship, they take the girls to gulf countries and sell them to rich people over there.” 

“We have decided to protect our daughters from Love Jehadis,” Chauhan added. 

Bedsides the campaign, the right wingers have also decided to meet Hindu families and suggest they encourage their sons to marry the girls of other religions. 

“This is how the girls of other religion would be able to understand and appreciate Hindu religion because our tradition ensures respect and every right to them,” he added. 

Interestingly, although the issue of “love jihad” was raised on a large-scale in 2014, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) — arguably a politically wing of the Sangh Parivar, with which the Bajrand Dal is associated — had distanced itself from any such theory. 

Later, Union home minister Rajnath Singh had rejected the existence of “love jihad”. 

Meanwhile, political parties slammed the Hindutva organisations like Bajrang Dal and VHP for pushing their hardline agenda.

Source: Daily Mail