Hindu Munnani to conduct state-wide agitation on July 19

hindu_munnaniThe Hindu Munnani has proposed to conduct a state-wide agitation on July 19 demanding the abolition of the system of levying fees for dharshan (worship) in the temples in Tamil Nadu, Rama Gopalan, founder of the Munnani told newspersons here on Sunday.

Mr. Rama Gopalan urged the Tamil Nadu government to order a judicial enquiry into the violence which took place in Ambur on June 27. He wanted adequate compensation to be paid to the affected families.

Planned attack

Demanding the immediate arrest of Ambur MLA Aslam Pasha in connection with the violence, he alleged that during the violence, Hindus were attacked in a planned manner, and the properties of Hindus were looted.

The government should pay suitable compensation to the police personnel injured in the violence, and honour and promote Vijayakumar, Armed Reserve policeman who saved three women from being attacked, he said.

The Hindu Munnani leader said that it was shameful and regrettable that the police did not take preventive action despite intelligence inputs which pointed to the possibility of a major violence in Ambur on June 27.

Islamic terrorist groups which masqueraded as democratic organisations should be banned, he said.

Hopes belied

When asked to comment on his statement on the eve of the 2011 Assembly elections that the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam was a friend of the Hindus, Mr. Rama Gopalan said that his hopes have been belied by the AIADMK government which came to power.

The government is unable to prevent murder of Hindus.

“While the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam is the enemy of Hindus, AIADMK is a betrayer of the Hindus. The Hindus have been driven to a situation where they have to protect themselves since the government could not protect them”, he said.

Appeal to leaders

Earlier speaking at a meeting of community leaders, Mr. Rama Gopalan appealed to the leaders to contribute their mite for a memorial which is to be constructed at a cost of Rs.37 lakhs in Vellore in memory of S. Vellaiayappan, former state secretary of Hindu Munnani who was murdered in Vellore on July 1, 2013.

He said that the memorial would be used for various service activities which included free tuition and free vocational training to Hindu students, other social welfare activities, bhajans, Sat Sangh, free medical camp, Yoga therapy training, and training in rearing and treatment of cows.

The Hindu Munnani leader appealed to the Hindus to give up the caste differences among them and also the practice of untouchability which has earned a bad name to Hindus.


Demand abolition of the system of levying fees for worship in temples

Source: The Hindu