Shakha in Japan (2015 July-12) – Summary report

> Namaste Everyone,
> Pleased to recall that we had completed one year as last year from July we had started Monthly Shakha with 4 Swayamsevaks and now we are 50+.
> Thanks to Mananiye Saumitra Ji, Anil Ji and all the Senior Swayamsevaks for the kind support & guidance!
> Below are the summary points for the July-Shakha:
> 1. Stretching & Yoga
> 2. Group discussion on Tokyo Yogathon 2015’s feedback and takeaways for future events
> 3. We are planning to organize similar Yoga event in Chiba & Kawasaki during Sep-Oct
> 4. Weekly Yoga classes have also been started in some places
> 5. We have been invited by one of the Japanese groups to participate in an event at Yasukuni Shrine on Aug-15 to pay tributes to War-dead & recall Japan’s support for INA
> 6. We will support some cultural events in Tokyo to gather funds for supporting a school for blind children in Bharat
> 7. We will be planning for blood-donation during Aug-Sep
> Regards
> Volunteers @HSS Japan

Source: WHN Media Network