SSRF Newsletter July 2015


unnamed (1)According to the Law of Karma, every positive deed generates a “merit” while every negative deed generates a “demerit” or sin. Subsequently one has to reap the results of one’s actions. Whenever one does a good deed for another, this results in a positive return in the form of some happiness. Throughout our lives, we are either settling an old account or creating a new one. If the account cannot be settled in this birth, it is carried over to the next birth. Read more…

Spiritual healing – Holy water made from Holy ash
Use of Holy water made from SSRF incense sticks is a handy self-help spiritual remedy that can be used regularly to gain positive energy as well as to get relief from distress of ghosts. Once the Holy ash is added the water becomes spiritually charged and is considered Holy water. Read more…

Vegetarian vs. Non Vegetarian diet
There is a wide debate as to whether it is better to be a vegetarian or a non vegetarian. There is, however, a worldwide trend of more and more people crossing over and becoming vegetarians. In this article we explore the issue from a spiritual perspective. 
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How to spiritually cleanse the home?
Our spiritual research has shown that improving the spiritual vibrations of our homes can have many positive effects such as increased financial security, improved relationships between those living in the home, more happiness among residents, and less obstacles to spiritual practice done by those in the home. 
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unnamed (2)Learn how the spiritual dimension affects all facets of our lives and how spiritual practice can help us to overcome the difficulties we may face.Read more…

Check to see if SSRF will be touring to a city near you in the year 2015! Read more…

Source: WHN Media Network