WHN Global Newsletter – 01 June 2015



For the first time, an International Yoga Day will be celebrated on 21st of June this year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had suggested this honour for yoga and his suggestion got overwhelming support from 177 countries. Yoga has indeed become popular all over the world.
IndiaFacts is in possession of documents and reports that lead to the conclusion of how the Pondicherry University was systematically Islamized under the Vice Chancellorship of Dr. J.A.K. Tareen who occupied the chair from 16 March 2007…

In this exclusive interview to World Hindu News, Anju Bhargava, Founder of Indian American Seva Communities explains the importance of taking up Hindu social service data to White House briefing and how she and her associates are creating awareness among Hindu Americans.

“It was very unfortunate. Many people lost lives today. More than fifty people died and more than a thousand got injured. People came out of the house.. those who already lost their house were in a very devastating situation today,” said Trilok Pillai, of The Hindu Society of NC.

Upananda Brahmachari is editor of Hindu Existence, a prominent news portal instrumental in reporting and publishing Hindu relevant news since decades with qualitative editorial and article contents. A coordinator for Hindu Janjagruti Samiti, he is also councilor for Hindu Human Rights Activity Forum. He is a patron for Akhil Bharat Go Raksha Mission, Bhavani Sena.

KOLKATA: A 24-year-old woman was allegedly gang-raped at RG Kar Hospital late on Friday night by a hospital employee and his relative. The two accused – liftman Masum Ali Khan and his cousin Haider Ali – have been nabbed.

Hindu Mahasabha Of America ( HMSA) Lauds Indian Defense Minister ‘ Kante Ko Kanta Nikale’ ( Fight terror with terror) Philosophy. HMSA is an organization of devout Hindus based out of US working for political Hindu empowerment.

According to a BBC report, a young girl Sandhya was denied job because of her religion i.e. Hinduism. Sandhya is the daughter of Bishan Das who works as a cook.  The financial condition of Bishan Das is so poor that he is not in a position to get proper treatment for his heart ailments.