VHP & RSS Push Modi Government for Ram Temple and other Hindu promises as made in BJP Manifesto

VHP & RSS Push Modi Government for Building Ram Temple at Ayodhya, Complete Ban on Cow Slaughter, Save Ganga, Abolition of Art. 370,  etc. as promised in BJP Election manifesto. 

VHP 2Upananda Brahmachari | HENB | Haridwar | May 25, 2015:: On the eve of the first anniversary of the Modi government, the  VHP and RSS and today pushed the matter of  construction of Ram temple at Ayodhya, asking the BJP to fulfil its Hindu promises made in Lok Sabha election manifesto. This is also a rebuttal for the Dwaraka Shankaracharya for his recent statement that RSS, VHP and BJP must not enter into the issue of Ram Temple further.

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) asked the government to “clear all hurdles” in the path of the construction of the temple at the undisputed site of Rama birth place in Ayodhya.

A delegation of saints would be formed to take up the matter with the government so that the impediments are removed, a resolution was also passed on the first day of the two-day (25-26 may) meeting of VHP’s ‘Kendriya Margdarshak Mandal’ at Prachin Shriram Mandir, Rishikesh Road, Bhutpatwala, Haridwar, to that effect.

This meeting of prominent saints in Hardwar includes Swami Vishokananda Ji, Swami Avadeshananda Ji Giri, Swami Vishnu Puru Ji, Swami Satyamitrananda Ji, Swami Paramananda Ji, Swami Harichetnananda Ji and other divine luminaries.

A VHP spokesperson said its international working president Dr Pravin Togadia and president Raghava Reddy are present at the meeting which has given a push to the Hindutva agenda by reiterating its exclusive claim over two other holy sites in Mathura and Varanasi.

 In this meeting Swami Satyamitrananda Ji described RSS and VHP as the saviour of Hindu Society in India and abroad.

“The Kendriya Margdarshak Mandal has resolved that a delegation of saints would establish contact with the Union government and hold talks with it to clear hurdles in the way of Ram temple construction,” a VHP statement said.

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BJP, whose political fortunes had soared on the back of the Ram temple movement in the late 1980s and early 90s, has chosen to put the vexed issue on the back burner when in power, favouring a solution through a court verdict or talks between the rival parties locked in the legal tussle.

Rejecting any formula involving construction of a temple as well as a mosque at the disputed site, VHP said no place of worship for Muslims would be allowed to come up in the huge premises having hundreds of Hindu pilgrimage centres.

RSS. Graphics-HEInvoking independent India’s first Home Minister Sardar Patel, who Prime Minister Narendra Modi considers his hero, VHP said he had rebuilt Somnath Temple and it was time to carry on with that tradition.

Further, the VHP Kendriya Margdarshak Mandal passed resolution on non-restricted natural flow of Ganga to keep its sanctity and purity intact. The claimed highest Hindu organisational forum also decried for the compete ban on Cow slaughter in India. The resolutions say that Saving Ganga and Cow progeny will revive the Indian prosperity and these are the only way to protect the nature and the future of Indian citizens including the farmers of the country.  The forum also thanks BJP led Maharashtra and Haryana Govt for their initiatives for banning beef and cow slaughter in those states.

In Nagpur, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s(RSS) ‘Akhil Bhartiya Saha Sampark Pramukh’ Arun Kumar told reporters that the BJP government should live up to the expectations of the people while fulfilling promises made to the electorate, particularly on Ram Mandir and scrapping of Article 370 of Constitution that gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

Source: hinduexistence.org