TMC Ban on Dr Togadia in WB. Public Ban on TMC in Six States as reverse

WB Govt. bans VHP leader Dr Praveen Togadia. The Hindus and VHP supporters of Maharashtra, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are planning reverse ban on pro Muslim Mamata Banerjee and non Hindu Religious preachers from WB in six states. 

To protest Ban on Togadia in WB, Hindus and VHP supporters in Six States contemplate to put ban on TMC and non Hindu religious preachers.

HENB | Kolkata | April 1, 2015:: The Trinamool Congress (TMC) led government in West Bengal on Wednesday banned firebrand Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Dr. Praveen Togadia from entering the state. The ban comes into effect today and TMC is fuelling the communal pot in West Bengal through the arrest of Dr. Togadia, if he violates it.

A statement from the state home ministry said his entry may lead to communal tension and disturbance of public tranquility.

Government notice released by the state’s home department said that the ban has been enforced “to ensure the social and secular fabric of the state”. “He will be arrested if he enters West Bengal,” the statement said.

Though VHP is not any banned organisation and Dr. Pravin Toagadia is not a member of any criminal or banned organisation.

West Bengal is the fourth state to ban the entry of the controversial international working president of the VHP, one of the right-wing organisations affiliated to the RSS. Karnataka, Orissa and Assam had banned Dr Togadia’s entry in these states in recent past.

This ban comes amidst the allegations involving the funding to Terrorism by its party men, allowing cross border Islamic criminals involving nun rape, smuggling of gold bar etc as charged against TMC.

As a strong Hindu sentiment has been advancing aggressively in WB for the coming assembly elections, due next year, the ruling Trinamool Congress party is trying oppression upon VHP and RSS in high pitches to defuse BJP,  the main challenger to TMC. Moreover,

Mr Togadia was to hold rally at Raiganj in North Dinajpur district on April 5, in view of which the state banned his entry.

A mammoth rally was organised by VHP to celebrate Ramnabami in Islampur, North Dinajpur.  Local MLA Abdul Karim Choudhury welcomed the procession coming forward from his office. There was no Tension. Then Why this ban on Dr Togadia in WB?

In this Ramnavmi, there was a huge VHP procession, cutting the edge of party line, involving 70,000 participants in it, which has given a shock to the TMC of North Bengal. TMC of North Bengal has sent an alarm to the State TMC  to curb the steady Hindu upsurge in the northern part of the State in a very strict way. Consequently State Govt has put this ban on Dr Togadia under a motivation of the ruling party.

“They apprehend that the entry of Dr Praveen Bhai Togadia, his holding closed-door or public meetings/rallies will lead to communal tension and this would cause disturbance of the public tranquility, the statement said.

Accordingly, prohibitory orders under Section 144 of CrPC have been issued by Additional Chief Secretary Basudeb Banerjee, it added.

On 29 January, Mr Togadia had addressed a rally in Bengal’s Birbhum district. After the rally, the VHP held a ‘suddhikaran’ ceremony where as many as 20 people — Christians and Muslims — were “reconverted” to Hinduism. An FIR was later filed against Mr Togadia for inflammatory speech.

Since February, Mr Togadia has been banned from entering Karnataka, Orissa and Assam.

The ban on Dr. Togadia sparked on the social media and in the mind of the followers of VHP and RSS in a great extent. 

They raised the question that, “Why the mastermind of Canning Riot and the founder member of SIMI, Ahamed Hasan Imran is a MP of Rajyasabha in TMC ticket or criminal like Hazi Nurul Islam, the mastermind of Deganga Riot, is a MP of Loksabha in TMC ticket, then why this Ban on Togadia by TMC so illegally?”

Now, the supporters of VHP and RSS are trying to contact with their compatriots in Maharashtra, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh put a Janta Bahiskar (Public Ban) on TMC and non-Hindu religious preachers from WB to the respective BJP ruled states.

In retaliation the Hindus uploaded their opinion in facebook that, “As the TMC is defaming and distressing the Hindus in WB with the help of Radical Muslims, then it is their own responsibilities to face any odd consequences for them in other states under Hindu control.”

__part input from PTI.
