Hindu unification started by HJS at Jodhpur (Rajasthan) !

Shri. Ramesh Shinde (left) and Shri. Gajanan Keskar addressing to the audience

Jodhpur (Rajasthan) : Fanatics are attacking Hindu Dharma under pre-planned conspiracies like cow-slaughter, love jihad and conversions; therefore, Hindus need to abide by Dharma and unite for own survival, stated Shri. Ramesh Shinde, the all-India spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) here during a meeting organized by HJS at Satsang Bhavan for unification of Hindus.

Shri. Gajanan Keskar explained to the audience of about 30 devout Hindus, various activities undertaken by HJS.

Attended devoute Hindus
Attended devoute Hindus

Shri. Shinde explained to the audience, with the help of CD, increasing anti-Hindu activities of fanatics, undertaken in many States. He said that Hindus had to leave Kashmir giving up everything that they had and such situation might arise if conspiracies hatched by fanatics were overlooked. It was therefore, necessary to come together instead of relying on any political party or own strength if we want to bring change in the prevailing condition. Srimat-Bhagavat Geeta says where there is Dharma, there is victory; so we do not have to just fight but be victorious and establish Hindu Rashtra.


• Shri. Ramesh Shinde, Shri. Gajanan Keskar and Shri. Anand Jakhotia were felicitated by Vaidya Shri. Kisanlalji Rathi in the beginning of the program.

• Flex-boards were displayed at the venue of the meeting related to Dharmacharan and an exhibition of Sanatan’s holy books and ‘sattvika’ products was also held there.

• 7 persons subscribed to monthly Sanatan Prabhat.

• Some of the participants expressed their readiness to hold such meetings in their areas.

• One policeman from Intelligence Department was present there and he was trying to extract more information, by talking very sweetly to others. (Police, keeping an eye on activities of HJS which is working for protection of nation and Dharma, instead of keeping eye on terrorists, are working for India or for Pakistan ? – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)