Finding a New Way to Teach About Hinduism in America’s Schools

hinduismUNITED STATES, January 9, 2015 (Huffington Post, by Murali Balaji): While there have been some improvements–most textbooks now reject the Aryan Invasion Theory and give some more mention of Hindu philosophy, the factual errors continue to dominate the content that students across the country read when learning about Hinduism.

The Hindu American Foundation’s (HAF) recent involvement in the Texas textbook adoption process, which yielded dramatic changes to the way Hinduism is represented, draws attention to a bigger issue: how states and localities continue to draft their content standards and frameworks to describe the religion.

The central issue is that Hinduism is uncomfortably and awkwardly fit into a model that focuses on historical chronology, when most Hindus don’t view their faith as something that can be pegged into specific eras. The standards and frameworks writing has even drawn objections from history educators and religion scholars, who argue that limiting mention of Hinduism to a specific era deprives us of our understanding of the faith as a living, evolving tradition.

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