Three Vedic Messages for seekers of Vedic Knowledge

5383516-word-cloud-concept-illustration-of-hinduism-religion-glowing-light-effectFour Varnas and Women.

 Rig Veda mentions that the greatest service to God is to spread the spirit of Vedas with honesty, straight-forwardness, without deceit of any kind, for all to enjoy true and spiritual happiness. By understanding the philosophy, metaphysics, knowledge and various models contained in the Vedas, we can perhaps find viable solutions to our present social, economic, political and religious problems.

Dear Seekers of Vedic knowledge, 

Subject: The origin of divine four varnas- not based on Birth

Rig Veda 1-113-6, X-90-11 and 12, Y.V. 31-11 and A.V. 19-6-6 explain the origin of four Varna to formless and ineffable Brahman. HE is described as the entire universe visible to the eyes and all other subtle worlds invisible to the eyes, where six communities of divine people, like angels, pitries, gandharvas, karma devas etc., live. Heaven is His head, Sun and Moon are His eyes, the entire universe is His body and the earth is His feet. Brahmin varna is born from His mouth which symbolically represents the heaven. This divine varna was created to spread Brahmajnan– Vedic metaphysics amongst all members of society. Bhagavad-Gita in verse X-32 says, the science of soul or metaphysics is the supreme science. Rig-Veda 6-75-10 mentions that a Brahmin is the knower of God and Vedas. Since the origin of this varna is from heaven- the kingdom of God, which is the place of bliss and supreme knowledge, the followers of this divine profession are to spread Brahma’s knowledge amongst others and bring heavenly conditions i.e. the City of God on this earth.

            The human senses and sense organs like eyes, etc. can visualize and even see with the help of scientific instruments the entire gross universe which is the manifestation of the subtle divine Nature and is extremely powerful, disciplined and benevolent. Nature and the ever-expanding universe and cosmos are mentioned in the Vedas as part of His formless body. Symbolism to the various parts of His Body continues in the Vedic hymns. Kshatriya varna is born from the most powerful shoulders of God. This varna has men and women of great strength who are extremely powerful and benevolent. Their divine duty is to destroy all evil and corruption in society. The individuals belonging to this divine profession are rulers, defence services officers, commander-in-chief, bureaucrats, scientists, technicians etc. (Rig Veda.5-69-2). Their main duty is to protect the people belonging to other three varna and ensure a corruption free society. All monarchs, kings, queens and elected Presidents are Kshatriyas. However, if a ruler’s son is not virtuous or incompetent he is not entitled to rule the state or country (R.V. 4-19-9). The ashvinaus             (scientists) can be both men and women of absolute self-control with scientific outlook (R.V.1-3-4). Kshatriyas are advised to take Soma drink for vigour and energy (R.V 4-45-3). Soma drink is some kind of red coloured herbal drink, which is slightly intoxicant and should be taken with milk or curd.

It is the mother earth, which renders selfless service to all animate and inanimate life. Vedic hymns describe the earth as the feet of the God. Shudra varna is born from the earth and the members of this varna based on ability, merit and aptitude render selfless service to other three divine professions. Since all parts of the body are equally important and they help each other for a healthy body, so all these divine varna should assist, cooperate and sustain each other for achieving an ideal society. Mandla 10, suktam 90 of Rig-Veda describes the followers of Shudra varna as good at unskilled work, of good physique, handsome and of high character. In the universe, all planets, stars and others perform their allotted task silently and gracefully and it is difficult to say which parts of the gross universe and subtle Prakrti are more important.

The above social scheme of Chatvar Varna Ashram is of divine origin being born of the Body of God. Rig-Veda 10-90-12 has a prayer “O, God give luster to BrahminKshatriyaVaish and Shudra and to me.” The basis of Vedic social grouping orVarna is pursuit of divine professions with Dharma and Rta (R.V 10-90-12, AV. 19-6-6, Y.V 31-13 and 17 and Br. Up 1-4-11 to 14). The individuals pursuing these four divine professions while following Rta and Dharma can eat and drink together. They can marry amongst themselves. In the society they are co-workers for prosperity and should make riches flow (AV 1-15-2, 4).

Thus individuals belonging to chatvar varna ashram form an egalitarian society and serve each other. All these four varnas (divine professions) are ordained by God. The fifth non divine Avarnas , Vritras Kimidin are not ordained by God. Thus there are five classes dealing with different professions –four divine and fifth non- divine. Marplots, sorcerers, bribe takers and givers, exploiters, evil minded people form Avarnas. (R.V 1-76-3, 1-191-8, 2-14-3). They are not ordained by God. Beingdambhi purush (sycophants and hypocrites) they aim at honour, power and wealth and pretend as servants of the people. The terms used in Vedas for five classes is panch kshatinam, panch manavis etc.   

Vedas had also visualized that material prosperity alone may turn a number of individuals into avarnas, vritras and other evil minded people, resulting in lack of transparency, corrupt practices and make an ideal state and open society into a perverted state and closed society (R.V.1-191-8, 1-28-4 and 24, 1-76-3, 2-14-3, 4-9-9).

A few other relevant references are given below:

Female Gurus (preceptors) are mentioned in R.V 3-33-1 to 3 and can teach Vedic metaphysics to students.

Kashtriya Queens who have studied under the Vedic Education system up to the age of 24 years should take the role of protecting the subjects/citizens during the war if the king dies or injured. She can take the help of the Commander-in-Chief. (R.V 6-75-3 to 15)

Women can attend Vidhta and Sabha (religious and political assemblies (R.V 10-85-26, 42 to 47)

There are many other mantras/riks about women studying Vedas. Gargi, Godhra, Lopmudra and many others were the renowned Vedic Rsikas of yore.

Kvaish Aylush, maharsi Valmiki, Vyas became Brahmins though born in other Varnas.

From the above it is apparent from Vedas that four divine Varnas are not by Birth and women and all Varnas can study Vedas. Even non divine Avarnas can move towards Varna by studying Vedas and following their teachings/guidelines.

For more details kindly see chapter “Vedic Society” in Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics” on Internet. Website OR

 through search engines of

With regards,

Prem  Sabhlok

Vedas Briefly described

  Vedas are derived from the root Vid- i.e. knowledge. Vedas thus means, “Store house of knowledge” and Vedic dharma is the spiritual science based on knowledge described in a large number of hymns/riks (about 18,000) in four Vedas. In book X1X section 22 and 23 of Atharva Veda, Jnan (knowledge) is described as study and complete understanding of bhutas (elements), matter, society and social organizations physical and social sciences, primordial subtle matter (three gunas), divine Nature “Prakrti”, Soul, Spirit, Time, Space and the formless and ineffable Supreme Reality (nirguna Brahma).    The study of Vedas would reveal that the Vedic Dharma is a spiritual science and it contains all the major material, spiritual and divine thoughts/guidelines conveyed in all the other scriptures of major religions of the world. However, Vedas contain some additional knowledge not available in other scriptures like, certain permanent truths/findings about physical sciences, mathematics, state and society, medicine, role of a ruler, bureaucrats, scientists, industrialists, economics, science of good governance and many others. Being scriptures for the welfare of mankind, no specific religion is mentioned in Vedas. At best Vedic religion can be mentioned as Vedic Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion). Following the teachings and guidelines contained in Vedas the mankind can expedite the journey towards universal love and peace.     Ishta theory of Vedas describes paths could be different so long as these paths aim at the welfare of mankind and other animate and inanimate life. Vedas do not consider matter as inert and explain in a large number of hymns that matter has unsuspected vitality. All religions should aim at unity in diversity i.e. (should lead to universal brotherhood-viswa bandhutva), global family of the same One God (vasudhaivan kutumbkam), global trade and global market for the material and spiritual welfare of mankind. God being formless, ineffable and self-created, avoid explaining God through categories, substance, activity, quality and relationship. He is beyond cognition, perception of human senses, logic of mind and intellect. Words recoil to explain the Supreme Reality. Only true and harmonised material, spiritual and divine knowledge (para jnan) can unite all religions to compete with each other for the welfare of mankind.    Vedas as a whole are Karma Marga i.e. path of selfless action – nothing for self all for   society. The Vedic metaphysics is Jana marga i.e. the path of knowledge. This knowledge brings out clearly the ultimate significance of all material and spiritual things. The Vedic Rsis and Munnies (metaphysicists and wandering sages) had found the substantial essence of all these things in the scheme of Reality, thereby unifying the absolute Truth. Vedas have a concept of absolute and perfect truth based on a-priori knowledge against material and imperfect truth influenced by our outward looking mind and physical senses/sense organs. Material truths being imperfect are never permanent and vary considerably amongst individuals.   The Vedic science of Axiology (trivarga) covering idealistic, ideational and sensate values is entirely based on permanent truths in the form of Rta, which are the cosmic laws of social and moral order. Yajur-Veda 7-14 clearly brings out that the noble thoughts made the culture of the Vedas the first and foremost foundations of the edifice of universal values. Through the Vedic mantras (poetical hymns which liberate the mind) homage is paid to the Rsis of the yore, path makers and pioneers (R.V 10-14-15 and A.V 18-2-2). Mantra is man (mind) and tra (freedom, liberation). Mundaka Upanishads 1-1-3 mentions that having known Vedanta, all other knowledge will stand revealed to us. Vedas are thus the acme of human thought and the metaphysics reaches its summit in the Vedantic philosophy contained in the fourth and last part of the Vedas in the form of pure idealism and absolute monism. Vedas are also known as Shruti – the heard. Most of the modern Hindus believe that the Vedas were directly revealed by God and were not fabricated as later the ancient dreaded materialists Charvakas found and criticized these divine revelations. Adi Grantha says, “Omkar Ved nirmaye.” It literally means Omkar (God) revealed the Vedas.               Vedic wisdom covers the cosmic working at all levels, from microcosm to macrocosm. It covers material, temporal, secular, spiritual, and divine knowledge by blending both the inner and outer worlds. In the concept of Brahman as the “only Reality”, the highest metaphysical ethics is reached, as all else is Maya (appearance or phenomenon but not exactly mirage). Maya is His Creative Art (R.V 6-45-16 and 6-47-18). Isvaraya Upanishad explains this as the illusory but dazzlingly brilliant golden disc, which appears real to human senses.    For more details kindly see “Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics” for on line reading and even taking print at no cost on Website  OR access the book through Kindly render divine social service and forward this e-mail to other seekers of Vedic knowledge known to you.   With kind regards,   P.K.Sabhlok     


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Subject: For a follower of Jnan Marg, Bhagavad-Gita is the 109th Upanishad ,

Dear All,

Ishta theory of Vedas is based on “For God realization paths can be different so long as these paths lead to welfare of the entire mankind and all living creatures”. Thus Six Schools of Indian philosophy (Sad Darshana) based on Vedic metaphysics justify extreme monism to extreme pluralism to cater the needs of followers of Jnan Yoga, Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. All the founders of six Darshnaagree that purpose of human birth is social welfare of the entire mankind and all animate and inanimate life/things by assisting the Supreme Reality/ Prakrti (divine Nature) in the maintenance of Thy Grand wondrous Design.

Bhagavad-Gita is largely based on Vedic metaphysics. In Chapter 4-40 to 42 Lord says “avoid all doubts as these doubts arise due to ignorance.” In the last Chapter of Bhagavad-Gita even there is mention that study of Vedas is the highest noble virtue.

Due to Cosmic Delusion Mayabhi, which creates pair of opposite, four types of people worship the Supreme Reality and also various deities.  (Chapter 7 -14, 21 and 22).  They attain their deities. Every one is not a follower of Jnana Marga. Worship of other gods even with some interested motive is also God’s worship (IX-21 and 23) provided they are devoted to do good to all creatures. (12-3), avoids malice to all beings (12-13) and become friendly and compassionate and do not become source of annoyance to the world (12-15).

Only emphasis is on supreme faith irrespective of worship of God, gods, manes, spirit with form or without form (12.2 onwards).

Very often we tend to combine Jnan Marga (Sankhya Yoga) with Karma and Bhakti Yogas and our perspectives changes. I give a small illustration.  For the followers of Bhakti Yoga like saint Tulsidas Ramayana and Mahabharata are not mythologies but real ancient history. For Karma Yogi like Gandhi ji, these two epics are Mythology and for Jnan Yogi like maharsi Valmiki and Vyasa, these two great epics are Vedic metaphysics retold. 

For a Jnan Yogi, Sam Veda tells us that that evil/corruption is hydra headed (having nine heads/kind) and enters human body through 99 sources i.e. nine kind of evils entering through five senses, five sense organs and outward looking mind etani. (11X9=99). Both the great Rsis Valmiki and Vyasa depicted this as Nine Corrupt Heads of Ravana in Ramayana and 99 evil minded corrupt sons of blind Kaurva king Dhritrashtra in Mahabharata. One can take any metaphysical mantra/rik/hymn of Vedas, the corresponding episode/parable/fable/event in Mahabharata and Ramayana is available.

It is apparent for a Karma yogi and Jnan yogi, Bhagavad-Gita is also one of the Upanishads. There are 108 main Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita is accepted as 109th Upanishad. For more details on this  and many others subjects, kindly see “Glimpses of Vedic Metaphysics” for on line reading and even taking print at no cost at Website


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Source: WHN Media Network

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