Rebuttal Against Suggestion That Hindus And Muslims In India Unite Against Economics Of Vices​

DC Nath SmallPresident of Patriots Forum, D.C. Nath was superannuated in January, 1995, as the Special Director, Intelligence Bureau, D.C. Nath (IPS-1960) was associated with the International Institute of Security and Safety Management (IISSM), headquartered in New Delhi, for over 14 years, first as the Executive President & CEO and then as the President & Director General, between February, 1997 and March, 2011. The author of a highly acclaimed book, Intelligence Imperatives for India, Mr. Nath earned high plaudits from all around for two of his very significant presentations on: “Revisiting the Future of India” (2005, London) and “Lessons from India for the War On Terrorism” (2007, USA). He is the only one in the field, combining the experiences of a police officer with specialization in intelligence and strategic analysis and an industrial security expert par excellence. More Bio on D. C. Nath…

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Let Hindus and Muslims unite against Economics of Vices –-> Download File


October 30, 2014

Dear Dr Javed Jamil,


Subject: Rebuttal Against Suggestion That Hindus And Muslims In India Unite Against Economics Of Vices


We have read with interest your paper on: “Let Hindus and Muslims (In India) Unite Against Economics Of Vices”.

Well, Sir, you are not only a scholar, it appears from the books you have authored, you are also a theologian on Islam. Since you have thrown up some new idea and the matter is already in the public domain, we felt we should take this up lest some sections of the general public, Muslims or Hindus, get misguided. But, first of all, kudos to you to have the “courage” to speak of a suggestion to take Hindus and Muslims on the same boat. Well, Sir, we are surprised you have not yet attracted a fatwa on you for this act.

To rebut your paper fully (which is required) will be time- consuming and hence we shall take up only a few aspects:


· You have not spelt out what you meant by economics of vices, on which you suggest Hindus and Muslims in India to unite. You have coined a new terminology, “economic fundamentalists” but the full scope of this expression is not clear;

· You are right that Hindus and Muslims in India share many practices and thoughts in common. The vast majority of Indian Muslims are of Indian origin (as distinguished from those few Muslims in India of foreign descent). The DNAs of Hindus and Indian Muslims are, as you would be knowing, the same. Moreover, the Indian (Hindu) culture is such as assimilates every one from any descent. So, there could be a possibility of Hindus and Muslims in India to unite. But, then comes the question, the main barrier, of Islamic religion. We said the Islamic religion and not Islam.

· Islam as a religion is not compatible with any other system or way of living. As a Muslim, you cannot accept anything else other than Allah or what is written in the holy Quran. You have no motherland, you have no father, no mother who could be above the prophet. In Hinduism, “Janani janmabhoomischa swargadapi gorioshi”, meaning thereby that your mother is above the motherland and at a pedestal higher than even paradise. In Islam, you will be guilty of apostasy (for which death is the only punishment) if you accept anything else above the prophet.

· Cutting short the discussion, how can the Hindus and Muslims, not only in not India but anywhere else, unite, when the Muslims ‘religion teaches them to kill all non-believers in Islam? The concept of jihad, a core issue in Islam, enjoins on all Muslims the sacred duty of killing non-believers in Muslim unless they convert to the true faith, that is, Islam on their own or you do that by the means prescribed in Quran.

· The word secularism (basically separation of temporal head from the religious head) was introduced in India much after the Constitution was framed. It has been a political move to show or warn the Hindus that anything smacking of religion cannot. or will not be accepted by the government. This is to be understood clearly. Hinduism by itself does not and never needed any such clarification, Basically, the formal introduction of secular concept is an appeasement to the Muslims and to check the spread or induction of Hinduism into the academic and even the administrative dealing.

Be that as it may, non- Islamic experts on Islam all over the world today are of the opinion that the problem is not between the Muslims and others, say, Christians or Hindus. The problem really lay and lies in Islam. They are unanimous that Islam is not a religion at all. It is an expansion of military strategy. The first part of the Quran, revealed in Mecca and generally taught, spoke of peace; the second part of the same book revealed in Medina, is nothing short of what has been described as a “war book”.

Well, Dr, Javed Jamil, we may at this stage draw your attention to the judgement of the Metropolitan Magistrate of Delhi in 1986 (attached), that has categorically endorsed the view that certain ayats in the Quran have the potential to create communal violence. The Muslims who had proceeded against some Hindus for “unduly” blaming the Quran, never went in appeal and so the judgement of 1986 still holds good.

So, will you still believe it will be ever possible for a true Muslim to join hands with any non-believers, any where, including India, to help a country to progress?

Nevertheless and even after saying all that rather bluntly perhaps, your paper makes us believe you are one among the very few forward-looking Muslim scholars who can collectively help change the course of history if you can motivate Islamic theologians to start thinking how to modify the relevant parts (ayats and hadis) of the Quran to make Islam compatible with other religions so that they can co-exist and make the world peaceful, as the first part of the Quran perceives or preaches. We are hopeful a handful amongst you can do this. That is how things happen and have happened in history.

Thanking you, Dr. Jamil, again, and with hopes for better times as spelt out by you and with best regards,



Yours sincerely,

D.C. Nath

(Former Spl. Director, IB)

(President, Patriots’ Forum)

Source: Patriot Forum

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