Sewa Day report from Houston Galveston, written by Bibartan Jha

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This is our Sewa Day report from Houston Galveston, written by Bibartan Jha., our. Volunteer

On this cloudy Saturday morning, several volunteers gave their time to embark on a trip to Galveston, Texas, and help contribute to the Adopt-a-Beach’s beach clean-athon. This group of 40 volunteers – ranging from the ages of 8 to 60 – have come from different organizations, including: Sewa International, University of Houston, AMSA, and HSS.

Started in 1986, Adopt a Beach is a state-wide coastal beach clean up program which has allowed more than 465,000 volunteers to clean up more than 8,900 tons of trash upon the Texas beaches. Their motto? “Everybody loves the beach, but not everybody respects the beach.”
Their mission is to raise public awareness, educate citizens, and generate public support for state, national, and international action action to clean up coastal waters. They hold several beach cleanups throughout the year – and by helping in this cause, our volunteers were able to help further the effort towards pollution-free beaches.

Our volunteers’ day went as followed: upon arriving at Galveston Beach, the volunteers all arrived at a starting point to receive their instructions upon where to go. Then, they traveled to Jamaca Beach – their assigned location – where gloves and trash bags were distributed. After nearly 2 hours of picking up plastic, glass shards, and other debris off the beach, the volunteers all finally came to a stopping point and took a small lunch of bhel puri and milk.

Through the accumulation of their hardwork and spirit, the volunteers were able to collaboratively rid the beach of bagful loads of garbage, and thus made it a cleaner, safer, and happier place for people to enjoy. Thank you for helping and contributing to this heartfelt cause.On this cloudy Saturday morning, several volunteers gave their time to embark on a trip to Galveston, Texas, and help contribute to the Adopt-a-Beach’s beach clean-athon. This group of 42 volunteers – ranging from the ages of 8 to 60 – have come from different organizations, including: Sewa International, University of Houston, AMSA, and HSS.

Started in 1986, Adopt a Beach is a state-wide coastal beach clean up program which has allowed more than 465,000 volunteers to clean up more than 8,900 tons of trash upon the Texas beaches. Their motto? “Everybody loves the beach, but not everybody respects the beach.”
Their mission is to raise public awareness, educate citizens, and generate public support for state, national, and international action action to clean up coastal waters. They hold several beach cleanups throughout the year – and by helping in this cause, our volunteers were able to help further the effort towards pollution-free beaches.

Our volunteers’ day went as followed: upon arriving at Galveston Beach, the volunteers all arrived at a starting point to receive their instructions upon where to go. Then, they traveled to Jamaca Beach – their assigned location – where gloves and trash bags were distributed. After nearly 2 hours of picking up plastic, glass shards, and other debris off the beach, the volunteers all finally came to a stopping point and took a small lunch of bhel puri and milk.

Through the accumulation of their hardwork and spirit, the volunteers were able to collaboratively rid the beach of bagful loads of garbage, and thus made it a cleaner, safer, and happier place for people to enjoy. Thank you for helping and contributing to this heartfelt cause.

Source: SEWA