Success of Hindus : Cyberabad Police Chief’s death blow to Playboy In Hyderabad

_38466941_india_hyderabad4_150map13 August 2014

“The club underwent renovation and Novotel and HICC authorities contracted a different entity by the name Playboy, Hyderabad, to run the pub on the same terms and conditions on the licence earlier issued. Therefore, the allegations by some groups that the licence was given by the Telangana Government is false as it was processed before the Telangana state was formed on June 2, 2014,”

  • No women as Bunny, Teaser or Hostess
  • Asks the management to ghange the name of the club
  • Anand says permission was given in Dec. 2012 to run just a club not Playboy Club
  • 21 conditions were laid down to run the club
  • TS gov has nothing to do with it

The heat being faced by the controversial Playboy Club, which was launched during the weekend in the city, touched a notch higher. On Tuesday, Cyberabad Commissioner CV Anand stated that no woman should be employed in the club as a ‘Bunny’, ‘Teaser’ or hostess. The Commissioner suggested the management of Playboy to change the name of the club, to avoid any apprehensions or objections raised by civil societies.

Around the world, Playboy Clubs flaunt ‘Bunnies’ or waitresses, maintain a raunchy dress code while serving food and beverages to the customers. The dress code has been inspired by the logo of the Canadian adult magazine and the ideology of its CCO, Hugh Hefner.

Fresh set of rules for the club

  • Programmes should be organised between 8 pm and 2 am
  • The posters and hoardings shall not be displayed at public places unless it is approved by the Police Commissinor, Cyberabad
  • No activities falling under the AP Gaming Act, 1947, shall be organised
  • Display of nude dance/acts/films, abscene gestures, etc is strictly prohibited and no proffessional dances would be organised
  • No obscene posters, nude/semi-nude advertisements in daily newspapers or on hoardings or in any media etc, shall be used in marketing of the event.
  • The licence is instructed to arrange CCTV and public address system at the premises.
  • Adequate lightining and seating arrangements shall be made

But due to right-wing activists, women activists and student groups’ argument that women who worked as waitresses were objectionable and indecent, Monica from Novotel replied, “We are not going to have Bunnies.”

“We have made clear that no woman should be employed within the club as a ‘Bunny’, ‘Teaser’, hostesses or in any other manner,” concurred Cyberabad Commissioner CV Anand.

The Commissioner also clarified that permission was granted to Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC) and Novotel to only run a club on December 21, 2012, and no permission for running the Playboy Club was granted by the Telangana government.

“The club underwent renovation and Novotel and HICC authorities contracted a different entity by the name Playboy, Hyderabad, to run the pub on the same terms and conditions on the licence earlier issued. Therefore, the allegations by some groups that the licence was given by the Telangana Government is false as it was processed before the Telangana state was formed on June 2, 2014,” he added.

Fresh conditions have been issued by the Cyberabad Police in the wake of the protests.

“21 conditions were laid down for running of the club by the police department. These conditions made it very clear that there shall not be any nude dances, acts, films and obscene gestures. Further, no obscene posters, nude or seminude advertisements in newspapers would be entertained in the marketing of pub or any event related to it. The Novotel and Playboy Club management have undertaken to comply with these conditions and any violation would lead to cancellation of the licence,” said the Cyberabad Police.