Bio-Profile of Dr. Abhaya Asthana


Dr. Abhaya Asthana is a Bell Labs Fellow with Corporate CTO at Alcatel-Lucent. He
directs R&D in the areas of computer and communications systems and solutions,
multimedia, wireless systems, converged network systems, computer architecture,
operating systems, optical networks and VLSI design. He led the design of VLSI systems
at INTEL from 1982-1985 and was on the faculty of IIT Kanpur in 1984. Dr. Asthana
received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical engineering from I.I.T. Kanpur in 1970, and
his Doctorate degree from Tulane University in 1974.

Learning about Hindu Dharma, history and cultural tradition, living it and then passing it
on to the next generation is his passion. He has been active in community service at the
local and national levels. His main focus has been in promoting educational and spiritual
programs and projects that will help Hindus living in North America to remain Hindus,
and through their lives contribute to the richness of their adopted land. Organizing Youth
Camps, Bal Vihars, Youth Conferences, Dharma Samsads, Hindu Awareness Yaatras,
Hindu Mandir Executive Conferences, Hindu Heritage Days, Hindu Seva Day are some
examples of what he has been actively doing for the past 28 years. He is the President
of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America.