Mumbai : The media is creating chaos about the then Police Commissioner of Pune, Gulabrao Pol taking help of a ‘mantrik’ named Manish Thakur to find the killer of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar of ANiS through ‘planchet’. There is no proof in the film showed in this connection, about a pro-Hindu organization like Sanatan Sanstha who is working selflessly for betterment of the nation, Dharma and society and periodicals like Sanatan Prabhat involved in this matter; still they are unnecessarily being defamed. We strongly condemn such despicable attempts. Sanatan is seeking legal advice against such defamation and soon a case will be filed against those involved in such defamation, said Shri. Sandip Shinde, spokesperson of Sanatan Sanstha in a press release.
It is stated in their circular that :
1. How can one believe that the then Police Commissioner Gulabrao Pol who, based on the so-called spirit of Dr. Dabholkar’s statement, accused Sanatan Prabhat as ‘brain’ behind this killing ?
2. In a petition filed by Ketan Tirodkar in public interest, Pune police had filed an affidavit with Mumbai High Court when Gulabrao Pole was Police Commissioner of Pune; but in this affidavit, Sanatan’s name was nowhere mentioned and it was stated that none of the ‘right wing’ organizations, in anyway, were associated with Dabholkar’s killing.
3. Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) has explained in the Court that the bullet fired at Dr. Dabholkar was shot from the gun of Manish Nagori. Then on the basis of which proof is Sanatan’s name taken in this case ?
4. Dabholkar’s killers are not traced; is it the reason to victimize a pro-Hindu organization like Sanatan ?
5. In fact, rather than other superstitions, such superstitions, which are deliberately used for misleading people, are more dangerous.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat