Modi govt. has made a good start – Mohan Bhagwat

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat addresing the valedictory of a training camp on the Reshimbagh ground in Nagpur.RSS chief sees welcome change, great hopes in the country

Hailing the new Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance government, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat said here on Thursday that the initial steps taken by it had generated great hopes.

Delivering a speech at the conclusion of a training programme of the RSS, Mr. Bhagwat said: “The year 2014 is like 1947. We got Independence after much efforts and sacrifices in 1947, but we left it to some leaders to decide our future who were not so visionary and we paid a heavy price.”

“We cannot afford to make the same mistakes again. There was a welcome change in our country this year which was brought about by the people. It is hardly 15 days [since the new government took office], but its initial steps have generated great hopes among the people,” the RSS chief told a gathering of 711 RSS cadres who underwent the 24-day training at the Hedgewar Smriti Mandir in Nagpur.

Mr. Bhagwat, however, said a ruler could not bring change single-handedly.

“There is a talk of good days in the country and there is nothing wrong in hoping for good things, but a ruler cannot bring changes single-handedly. Rulers have their limitations, but society has to contribute in this process of change,” he said.

Denying that the RSS “remote-controls” anything, he said the organisation had given rulers to this country not to rule but to serve society.

“We don’t remote-control anyone but we inculcate patriotic values in individuals. Whether it is a tsunami or election, the RSS volunteer is the first one to reach out,” he said.

Mr. Bhagwat said there were places in the country where Hindus had to fight for temples and water. “Such inequalities should be done away with,” he said.

He emphasised the need of collective decision-making and the need to take everyone along.

Suggesting that the change at the Centre should be for the long term, Mr. Bhagwat said India should be made a “Jagat Guru” (world leader).

“The work of the RSS is to create an atmosphere in this direction and we will continue to do it,” he said and added the RSS appealed to people to vote, though not for any particular party.

Source: The Hindu