Letters to Editor: “You are doing a bold, very essential, honest job in promoting Hinduism to its rightful place” – Major V Ramanujam

Major V Ramanujam


Respected Sirs,
You are doing a bold, very essential, honest job in promoting Hinduism to its rightful place, thrown down and out by unfortunate, by self-respectless Hindus themselves, not exposed to Sanatana Dharma in their misfortune, leave aside outsiders. Please do keep it up in all sincerety and fairness. Vasudeva kutumbakam is the Hindu ethos, not “my religion only, my God only is true and others are libel” attitude!
May God be with you!
Source: Major V Ramanujam via. WHN Publisher E-mail  (Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 7:59 AM)