Hindu Forum of Europe Newsletter: European Council of Religious Leaders votes in a 2nd Hindu Member


European Council of Religious Leaders votes in a 2nd Hindu Member, RfP Europe Issues a statement of Abduction of Women and Girls

The statement was drafted by the European Women of Faith Network. You can read both stories here: http://www.hinduforum.eu/category/conferencesandeventsattended/news/

More about the ECRL event in Geneva is available here; http://www.rfpeurope.eu/index.cfm?id=413071

Peace initiatives: Chance to nominate Businesses

The UN Global Compact’sBusiness for Peaceplatform and theReligious Freedom & Business

Foundationcall fornominationsof for-profit businesses that have advanced interfaith understanding and peace through their core business and/or outreach activities to be highlighted in new resource/publication.

Deadline for nominations is May 23, 2014.Click the link for more information. http://religiousfreedomandbusiness.org/nominations.html


Newsletter May 2014

Source: Ms BHARTI TAILOR BA HON. Via WHN Publisher Email