Hindus need to unite for removing hooters from mosques – Shiv Sena MLA

Kolhapur : Administration immediately comes to know where noise and water pollution takes place during Ganesha Festival; but does not realize noise pollution caused by illegal hooters on mosques. Citizens and small children are troubled due to these hooters; therefore, Hindus now need to unite for removal of hooters. Shiv Sena will always support agitation against hooters, stated Shri. Rajesh Kshirsagar, Shiv Sena’s MLA during demonstrations staged by Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan at Shivaji Chowk on 28th May at 11.30 a.m. for the main demand of prompt removal of illegal hooters from mosques.

Shiv Sena will support Sanatan Sanstha and HJS !

Shri. Kshirsagar said, “Everyone should follow orders of Supreme Court. Nowadays, police have become very busy with filing cases against Hindu activists under different clauses during Ganesha festival. False cases of molestation have been filed against me during last Ganesha Festival; but henceforth, such acts of police administration would not be tolerated. Activities of HJS are very good. Congress Government had tried to impose ban on HJS; but Shiv Sena stood behind HJS and it will support HJS and Sanatan Sanstha even in future. (Thanks to Shiv Sena for firmly supporting HJS and Sanatan Sanstha ! Hindus feel they can rely on Shiv Sena because of its strong support to Hindus ! –  Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

This demand is in the interest of the Nation !- Dilip Bhivate, Hindu Ekata Andolan

Shri. Dilip Bhivate, Zonal Vice President of Hindu Ekata Andolan said, “This demand is made in the interest of the nation. The so-called ‘Hindutva-vaadis’ opposing this agitation should have discussed the matter earlier. Followers of all Sects are given due respect in India; but why Hindus are throttled in Pakistan ? Uniform Civil Code has to be adopted in this country.

One cannot forget that a terrorist was product of a mosque in Kolhapur ! – Sambhaji Salunkhe, Bajarang Dal

Bajarang Dal’s District-Chief, Shri. Sambhaji Salunkhe said, “One has to abide by Dharma; but nobody should try to cross its limits. There were 132 mosques in Kolhapur district till 2002; but the number is now increased to 333. All are disturbed by hooters on these 333 mosques. The Administration cannot standnoise pollution during Ganesha Festival; but it seems to be enjoying the noise pollution caused by hooters on mosques. Irfan Attar a terrorist was product of one mosque in Kolhapur. Number of Muslims is very high in the list of terrorists. Two policemen should be posted outside every mosque and a record should be kept of people coming in and going out of mosques. (Why police cannot realize what Hindu activists can think of ? Or are they purposely turning blind eye towards such anti-national happenings ? Such policemen will be asked to undertake rigorous spiritual practice by way of punishment in Hindu Rashtra ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Those, who are trying to cast evil eye on Hindu Dharma will not be spared.

 Why hooters fitted without permission, cannot be removed ? – Ramesh Shinde, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

HJS’ national spokesperson said, “Government should immediately follow the orders issued by SupremeCourt, is the purpose of holding these demonstrations, As per the rule, scale of sound has to be between 40 to 70 decibels in night; but one loudspeaker on mosque emits 140 decibels; so 4 loudspeakers fitted in 4 directions on mosques emit 560 decibels of sound causing severe noise-pollution. As such permission is not granted for these hooters; then why can’t they be removed ? Agitation is being staged all over the country demanding removal of illegal hooters.

Dr. Mansingh Shinde of HJS said, “Police Administration should follow the orders of Supreme Court for removal of these hooters.”

Saints and Hindu activicts attending agitation !  

Sanatan’s Saint Pujya (Kum.) Swati Khadye, H.B.P. Bhanudas Maharaj Yadav, Shiv Sena’s ‘Karveer’ Taluka-Chief, Shri. Raju Yadav, its industry-group Secretary, Shri. Satish Shinde, Shri. Ranajit Ayarekar, Shri. Shivaji Mote of Shri-Shiva-Pratishthan, Shri. Lagamanna Naik of Sree Sampradaya, BJP’s Vice-President for Kolhapur, Shri. Uttam Bamane, Shri. Shivajirao Sase of ‘Hindu Ekata Andolan’, Shri. Vijay Gulawe, a devout Hindu, Sanatan’s seeker, Dr. Shilpa Kothavale, and Shri. Sudhakar Sutar, Madhukar Nazare, Sagar Shrikhande, Deepak Bhopale of HJS etc.


1. Police from Lakshmipuri police station granted permission to Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan subject to certain conditions. 2. Slogans were raised during demonstrations drawing attention of people. 3. Two vans of police were present to prevent any untoward incident.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat