Ram Temple construction in Ayodhya not contentious issue: Heptulla

imagesNew Delhi : Senior BJP leader Najma Heptulla Sunday said the construction of a Ram Temple in Ayodhya, part of the BJP’s core agenda, was “”not a contentious issue”” and it could be done as per the Allahabad High Court’s judgment. “”Constructing a Ram temple in Ayodhya is not a contentious issue.
Heptulla added that the other issues that make up the core agenda of the BJP – removal of Article 370 giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir and implementation of a Uniform Civil Code in the country – should not be looked at in a “”negative manner”.
“”The BJP has been given a positive mandate to improve the conditions existing in this country. If development takes place, everyone would benefit,”” she said.”

Source: Two Circles.net