Significance of Colours in Hinduism


In Hinduism, colours play a vital role in the religion and culture. Different colours have different characters, but these different colours have a single objective on this earth as to sprinkle beautiful colours in everybody life and make this whole universe. Hindu artistes always use colour on the deities and their costumes signifying their qualities. These colours purely enhance value of festivals. Lets find the significance of such colours in Hinduism.


In Hinduism, Red colour has more significance and this colour is frequently used for auspicious occasions like marriages, festivals, Puja etc. A red tilak is put on the forehead during all Hindu ceremonies and every festival. This is a sign of wisdom and knowledge. In Hindu religion, it is a ritual to apply red sindoor by married women as it is a very important ritual in this religion. Even Red Gulal is usually thrown on the statues of Goddesses symbols during Puja. It is a colour of Shakti that is power. A red coloured costume is put on deities who are brave, protective and can destroy their enemy.


Saffron colour represents fire and as we know fire has thecapability to burn all the impurities. Thus, this colour shows purity. It represents religious restraint. It is also a colour of saints and sages. These people have renounced the world. Wearing saffron colour clothes symbolizes the quest for knowledge of God. Therefore, this colour has a very different place in Hinduism.


Yellow is the colour of knowledge and learning. It shows happiness, brightness, peace, meditation and mental development in the life. This is the colour which activates the mind. According to Hinduism, Lord Vishnus pitaamber dress is yellow symbolizing his representation of knowledge. Lord Krishna, Ganesh and Rishis also wear yellow Pitaamber.


The God has given the maximum of blue in nature on earth as we see the sky, Oceans, Rivers and Lakes. The God who has the qualities of determination and have the reach to the ultimate truth of being present in each living being, the ability to deal any kind of adverse situations with the stable mind is represented as blue coloured. Lord Vishnu is shown as blue. And his embodiment in the form of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna spent their life protecting humanity and destroyed Evil activates. Lord Shiva has blue throat as he drunk poison to save Dev or Gods hence they are coloured blue. And he is also known as Neelkanth.


As we know that white colour is a combination of seven different colours of Rainbow, therefore, it symbolizes a little bit quality of each colour. It is considered as symbol of peace, cleanliness and knowledge. The goddess of knowledge, Saraswati is shown in White saree sitting on a white lotus flower. The other main deities would also have a little touch of white on their costume.


Green colour represents peace, happiness and prosperity. It stabilizes the mind. The colour is cool to our eyes and represents mother earth. We are nothing without this greenery Earth. A Hindu worship has a lot of green leaves in the process and uses it as offering to God, Especially to Lord Shiva.

Therefore, these colours are considered to be the most important part of Hindu Religion, but other colour also has the same value in our life. As these different colours have the same path that is peace, knowledge and prosperity in our life.

Source: Total