Islamicisation of Indian Electoral System – R.K.Ohri

electionToday, we have the privilege to put forth before you a unique production by our scholar-guide in the Forum, R.K. Ohri, titled as above.

 As we go along with his analysis (attached), we wonder how many amongst us would have ever thought of analysing the situation on the lines spelt out by him with such clarity, basing on facts and facts only. No assumptions and no inferences! These are simple facts put together and some questions raised for the concerned to answer. As the author says, he has another set of questions for those great intellectuals walking on the high pedestal of ‘secularism’ or should we say, who have been for long suffering from the modern-day typically Indian disease of ‘secularitis’? We eagerly wait for those set of questions.

Friends, we take the liberty of adding on to what the learned author has put forth. We humbly but strongly feel there is a perfect case for those who mattered or were involved in all these ‘misdeeds’ will have to answer in clear terms whether all these baskets of doles as well as spate of full-page advertisements a few days before the elections about their achievements (?) were from within the sanctioned budget of the Ministry of Minority Affairs. Although we have planned to try the RTI route, the details brought out so clearly in the author’s analysis, makes a clear case for the new government (when formed) at the Centre to get the ‘matter’ duly investigated by a sitting judge of the Supreme Court, with the responsibility given to some knowledgeable official to help him get the facts early and without any obstacles likely to be put in the way. No obfuscation please!

          We urge our honourable readers to raise this demand in individually capacity also from all corners of the country. The new “Sarkar” must listen to the vox populi.

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Source: Via.WHN Publisher E-mail​