Anti-Hindu M.F. Husain painting removed from the exhibition at Ahmedabad

MF_HasainKarnavati : An exhibition of paintings of various painters have been arranged in Marvel art center. This will go on till 8th June. Initially even paintings by anti-Hindu M.F. Husain were also displayed in the exhibition. These were removed after Hindu Janjagruti Samiti’s representative created awareness in the organisers.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s representatives Shri. Bhushan Mande and Shri. Pankaj Rami met Shri. Dhanvi Shah, owner of the art center. A request was made to stop the sale of Husain’s paintings paintings. Initially Shri. Shah responded saying it would be a financial loss for him since these paintings were costly. Since Husain is died, now there should be no problem in selling these, also these paintings did not involve any obscenity or mockery.

1.Upon this HJS representative tried to explain that by selling these paintings, we are trying to keep Husain alive. It would be beneficial at spiritual level if we do not sell these paintings.

2. When Shri. Shah questioned what will happen to the paintings being sold from other art centers. He was told he can also try to spread awareness about the same. This will be part of his spiritual practice and help in dharmakarya.  After this discussion Shri. Shah agreed to remove the paintings from the art center.

3. After two days, when Shri. Pankaj Rami and Sou. Rami visited art center once again they found few paintings were removed but four paintings were still there. Shri. Shah removed the remaining paintings after seeing Shri. Rami

Source : ​Dainik Sanatan Prabhat