Allocate Rs. 5 crores immediately for providing facilities to Hindu devotees at Pandharpur – HC


  • Elected representatives of anti-Hindu Congress Government will be asked to undertake rigorous spiritual practice for whole life by way of punishment in Hindu Rashtra !

  • Remember earlier Hindu kings who tried to provide every facility at places of pilgrimage and how are today’s anti-Hindu rulers in futile democracy !

  • Hindus need to realize that Court has to issue order for providing facilities for their temples and the Government, on its own, constructs ‘Haj House’ for Muslims!

Pandharpur (Maharashtra) : High Court has issued an order on 18th April asking the State Government to allocate Rs. 5 crores before 8th May 2014 for providing basic amenities like toilets and other facilities to devotees coming for ‘darshan’ of Sri Vitthal at Pandharpur. (If Courts have to handle even minor things, why should people look after white elephant like Congress Government; out of their hard-earned money ? – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Even today, workers have to manually carry excretion of devotees in Pandharpur going for ‘darshan’. A public interest litigation (PIL) has been filed in this regard and during its hearing, the above order has been issued by the Court. (The Government has billions of rupees forfunding ‘Haj’ pilgrimage and madarasas that too out of money given by Hindus; but Congress has no money to provide even basic amenities at places of pilgrimage of Hindus. It shows hatred of Congress towards Hindus. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

Earlier Pandharpur Town Council had demanded Rs. 21.13 crores from the Government. The Court has asked the Government to make available Rs. 5 crores immediately as the first installment for constructing latrines and the remaining Rs. 16 crores to be made available to Town Council, in phases.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat