New Delhi: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad Tuesday moved the Election Commission against the government for reverting the title of 123 government properties in the national capital to Delhi Wakf Board, saying the move was in violation of the model code.
In a memorandum to the poll body, the VHP alleged that the notification facilitating handing over of the properties by withdrawing of acquisition by Land and Development Office and DDA was issued on March 5, when the model code came into effect.
“The largesses are being attempted to confer on a minority for votes. Surely, the impact of this act vitiates the purity of election process and is an unholy attempt to win over a particular religious minority. This has been done when the Model Code of Conduct had come into operation,” the memorandum said.
The VHP demanded a stay on the operation of the notification and “appropriate action” against the government for violating the model code.
The decision of the government will enable the Wakf Board to take a call on the properties including selling them. Many of these properties are located in prime locations of the capital.
At present, 61 of these 123 properties are owned by L&DO under the Urban Development Ministry while the rest of 62 are with DDA.
Most properties are in and around Connaught Place, Mathura Road, Lodhi Road, Man Singh Road, Pandara Road, Ashoka Road, Janpath, Parliament House, Karol Bagh, Sadar Bazaar, Darya Ganj and Jangpura in the national capital.