Sacrifice of life by Pu. Fakkad Baba is a frightening warning for Hindus : H. H. Dr. Athavale

H. H. Dr. Athavale

H. H. Dr. Athavale

Pu. Fakkad Baba

Pu. Fakkad Baba

1. Hindus did nothing from the first day of his undertaking fast and now after his death, they are talking about doing something.

2. None of the political parties have done anything for Hindus in the past 67 years since getting freedom; therefore, Hindus doing nothing in the hope of something will be done for them, need to wake up now; else everyone will have to face similar situation.

3. Forest administration destroyed the marquee erected on the occasion of Mahashivaratri when there were 20-25,000 devotees coming for ‘darshan’. It is a glimpse of new Mughal regime.  We have not heard even Muslim Kings doing such misdeeds on the festival of Hindus. It indicates the gravity of imminent period for Hindus.

4. Hindus will not get justice from existing secular rulers and biased administration; therefore, establishment of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is inevitable.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat