RSS proud of ‘strong Hindu Nationalist leader’ Modi’s swayamsevak background

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat listens to a speaker during a meeting of their organisation in Bangalore on Friday. The three day annual top level meeting of the RSS started on Friday.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat listens to a speaker during a meeting of their organisation in Bangalore on Friday. The three day annual top level meeting of the RSS started on Friday.

The three-day meeting of the organisation’s Akhil Bharateeya Pratinidhi Sabha begins in Bangalore

The RSS’ top policy-making body on Friday began its three-day session in Bangalore with the Sangh Parivar fountainhead describing BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi as a “strong leader” and saying it was proud of his swayamsevak background.

“Modi is a strong leader. He is a swayamsevak himself and we are proud of it. The country wants a change. He has proved his worth in Gujarat,” RSS joint general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale told reporters after the inauguration of the RSS’ Akhil Bharateeya Pratinidhi Sabha meeting in Bangalore.

Mr. Hosabale said the Ayodhya issue is not on the agenda for this meeting but it is an issue for the RSS among other crucial problems facing the country.

“No, this time we do not have any such proposal for discussions in the meeting because there is no government to implement it,” he said.

The meeting would discuss issues of price rise, security and the country’s pride, Mr. Hosabale said. It would also discuss the “big issue” of minority politics.

Mr. Hosabale said, “The present UPA government, in the name of minority politics, is dividing society by trying to enact several legislations like Communal Violence Bill and through Sachar Committee report and trying to establish Equal Opportunity Commission.”

The Equal Opportunity Commission speaks of giving equal opportunities for one particular religious minority, he said. “Everybody should be given equal opportunities, not only one religious community,” Mr. Hosabale added.

Asked how the RSS is looking at the emergence of the Aam Aadmi Party, Mr. Hosabale said there is no problem for any new party to come into being, but experience of governance counts much and people are looking at such factors.

“There is no problem in the formation of a new party. However, experience in running a government counts much and people are considering these factors as they witnessed a 49-day government in Delhi,” he said.

“People are wise and definitely take a decision on who has the potential to govern, and the experience of Delhi government is a lesson,” he said.

Source: The Hindu