Two prominent Hindu organisations have come out in the open alleging that a sinister conspiracy has been hatched by anti-national and anti-Hindu elements against Hindu saints and acharyas with evil designs.
In two separate statements, Hindu Janjagruti Samiti and Sanatan Sansta, umbrella organisations working on spirituality and vedic studies have taken strong exceptions to the campaign unleashed by the Communist parties on spiritual leaders and scholars like Sankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati (the pontiff of Kanchi Mutt) and Amritanandamayee Devi, popularly known as the Hugging Saint from Kerala.
Reacting to the controversy arising out of the book authored by Gail Tredwell, a former inmate of the Amrithanandamayi Mutt at Kollam, the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti said unrighteous elements and Communists were defaming the Saints with a vile purpose as has been proved since past few years. “The anti-Dharma conspiracy is being hatched to defame Saints in Hindu Dharma one by one and thus finish them,” said the statement.
“The Hindu Dharma and morality are being nurtured in the society by these Saints and their Ashrams.. But for them, India would turn into the land of consumerism like western countries. Therefore, it is very essential for all devout Hindu organisations to come together and jointly raise their voice against this conspiracy,” said the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.
The HJS also questioned the hypocrisy and double-standard of the Communist parties which always attack the Hindu acharyas and their Mutts. “The Communist leaders never appear to demand inquiries against terrorist activities of Popular Front of India, Social democratic Party of India, immoral behaviour of missionaries, abortions in the Church and funds of crores of rupees being received by them. A sinister conspiracy has been hatched to defame Saints because Saints are true mainstay of Hindu Dharma,” said the HJS.
The Sanatan Sansta , in its statement pointed out that the Communist parties, which have always taken anti-Hindu stance on all issues, describe themselves as atheists and unrighteous. “They always spew poison only against Hindu Dharma. They are spreading false propaganda against Mataji because her work has been an eye sore for the Communists,” said the Sanatan Sansta.
Gail Tredwell, an Australian citizen, came to India in 1980s and reached the Amrutanandmayee Mutt via Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu.In an interview with this reporter , Tredwell, who has been christened Swamini Aatmaprana by the Mother, said she had dedicated her life for Amma following a divine intervention. “Amma is my life; Amma is my world,” aatmaprana, who was also known as Gayathri had said in the interview.