New Delhi : Spontaneous response of Hindus at Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan

New Delhi : In India, lot of concern is shown for human rights of local minorities; but in Bangladesh, there is breach of human rights of Hindus. That national Government is deliberately doing nothing to stop attacks on Hindus. In such situation, India is the only ray of hope for those Hindus. It is the duty of Indian Government to protect life of Hindus from that country. Indian Government should pressurize Government of Bangladesh to stop atrocities against Hindus, stated Shri. Munjal of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) during Rashtreeya Hindu Andolan staged at Jantar Mantar for condemning attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh.
Shri. Munjal said further, “If India and Bangladesh are going to ignore security of Bangladeshi Hindus, Indian Hindus, who have been showing tolerance so far, will get ready for protection of their brethren. If by doing this, it causes communal disharmony and affects Bangladeshi citizens living in India in some way, India and Bangladesh Governments will be responsible for the same.”
‘Veer Savarkar Samiti –Bharat’s national President, Prof. A. K. Malhotra said, “Indian Government is not likely to do anything for protection of Hindus; therefore, Hindus should now take up the responsibility of protection of Hindus from all over the world. They should oust anti-Dharma rulers and elect patriotic, devout candidates to rule this country.”
Shri. Dinesh Dave of ‘Upasana Kendra’ said, “All Deities have weapons in their hands except one hand which is bestowing grace; therefore, Hindus should now be ready to hold weapons (shastra) in their hands along with ‘shaastra’.”
Shri. Avik Sen, originally from Bengal, now settled in Delhi said, “Awareness needs to be created amongst Hindus from India about atrocities against Hindus from Bangladesh and Pakistan. If it is not done, Hindus from India will soon face the same situation.”
Shri. Daivesh Redkar of HJS explained efforts made by HJS for Hindus from Bangladesh. Members of Akhil Bharat Hindu Yuvak Sabha, Om Namo Matrubhoomi, Upasana Kendra, Hindu Defence League, RSS, Hindu Mahasabha, Veer Savarkar Samiti – Bharat, Bharat Raksha Manch, Hindu Dharma Raksha Sangh, HJS, Sanatan Sanstha etc. took part in the demonstrations.

Hindu refugees from Pakistan had also taken part in this agitation and they explained about oppression of Hindus in Pakistan.
Prof. A. K. Malhotra, national President of Veer Savarkar Samiti- Bharat is an aged person; but he too stood during the agitation for some time although he has to take support of a stick for standing. He commended HJS activities.
Dr. Rahul Das, a devout Hindu listened to the speeches by standing there during agitation and later, got details about HJS activities from its members.
Dalai Lama advises China about co-existence of people in India; but keeps quiet about anti-Hindu activities of Christian missionaries and genocide of Hindus in Sri Lanka !
Tibet’s Dharma-Guru Dalai Lama is on tour of North- Eastern part of India. During this visit, he has advised China about following example of India where people following different religions, cultures, speaking different languages are living together in harmony. He said that India is in a way one united nation. He took part in a program organized by Christian missionaries during his visit wherein he praised India; but Dalai Lama did not at all talk about conversion of Hindus and Buddhists by missionaries in North – East part of India. He did not even say anything about genocide of Tamil Hindus in Buddhist country like Sri Lanka nor did he advise Sri Lankan Government, to live happily with people of all religions as he advised China,. – Upanand Brahmachari, Editor, Hindu Existence.

Source: Hindu Janajagruti Samiti