Minor girl’s death: Hindu group stage rally

GONDIA: The Bajrang Dal and VHP activists of Gondia staged demonstrations in front of district KTS Hospital to protest against the arrest of their member. The protesting activists claimed that the arrested members were only agitating against the mishandling of the case of Deepa Kapse on Thursday and demanded suspension of Dr. Kunal Karade, who according to them, was responsible for her death.

Deepa Kapse, 13, of Chipiya village near Gondia was undergoing treatment at the KTS Hospital. Her relatives blamed the carelessness of the doctor Krunal Karade for her death at about 3 pm on Thursday. Soon after her death, the relatives and activists of Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad allegedly manhandled the doctor. After a complaint lodged by the hospital doctors, an offence was registered against these activists and one of them was arrested.

Protesting against the arrest, these activists staged demonstrations in front of the hospital on Friday and later handed over a memorandum to the civil surgeon demanding action against the doctor.

Source: Times Of India