VHP leader Saradar Ujagar Singh passed away

Sardar Ujagar Singh

Sardar Ujagar Singh

New Delhi January 14, 2014. State vice president of Vishwa Hindu Parishad Sardar Ujagar Singh is no more. He was 65 years of age and survived with two sons & two daughters.

According to the state media chief of VHP Delhi shri Vinod Bansal,  a great social worker and a nationalist shri Ujagar Singh was our state VP since last about eight years and was also associated with so many other socio religious organisations. He was office bearer of Rashtriy Sikh Sangat, Siromani Gurudwara Pravandhak committee, Delhi Sikh Gurudwara prabandhak commitee. The VHP Int’l Vice president shri Om Prakash Singhal, national secretary shri Mahaveer Prasad, state president shri Swadesh Pal Gupta, secretary General shri Ram Krishna Shrivastava were among the other dignitaries present at the time of his cremation in Punjabi bagh crematorium in north Delhi in Tuesday evening to pay rich tributes to the departed soul.

Source: Vishwa Samvad Kendra