AAP Govt. harasses Hindu activists ! – Yati Narasimhananda

Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) : Mahant Yati Narasimhanand of the ancient Chandi Devi Temple accused Chief Minister, Arvind Kejariwal of Delhi, in a press conference of beating innocent people.

Yati Narasimhanand said, “Kejariwal is using police as his weapon like other political parties and Delhi Government has filed false cases against the activists of pro-Hindu organizations who had recently gone to the office of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to register their protest. Pro-Hindu activist, Pinki Tomar was arrested by police when other pro-Hindu activists went to meet him in jail; but police beat them up for no reason. We will not tolerate such injustice. We will continue our fight against injustice till we get justice.”

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat