Drunken police force Warkaris to stop ‘keertan’ (religious discourse) !

Panvel : Local police went to wind up ‘keertan’ program before time during ‘Hari-naam ‘Saptaah’ held at Khanda Colony. Police did not listen to Warkaris although they assured to stop the program within the time schedule. Police also jostled with women members of audience which enraged devotees and they attacked Khandehwar police station in the night of 17th December, pelted stones. 4 persons have been arrested in this connection including one Warkari.

1. At Khanda Colony, Sector 8, ‘Harinaam Saptah’ is being organized every year for the past 12 years on one ground. This year too, ‘Harinaam Saptah’ has been going on.

2. On 17th December at night, ‘keertan’ of H.B.P. Shalinitai Indurikar was organized. Police constables Baviskar and Rakh went to the venue at 9.45 p.m. and warned the organizers to wind up the program exactly at 10.00 p.m. Police were asked that ‘followers of other religions blow hooters whole night; ladies bar are also open till late night then why Warkaris were so strictly warned ?’

3. Police constables did not listen to Warkaris and climbed on the stage without removing their shoes; shouting at Warkaris that they were bullying and breaking law. Police tried to snatch the mike from hands of ‘keertankar’.

4. Such behavior of police enraged people and100-150 people thrashed constable Baviskar and Rakh. Warkaris informed in the press conference held on 18th December that the constables were drunk.

5. The enraged devotees attacked Khandeshwar police station and damaged it; damaged 3 police vehicles. Shri. Balaram Patil, leader of PWP reached there and tried to calm down devotees. H. H. Abanand Maharaj also reached there.

6. Shri. Patil had discussions with police officers when officers said that those who pelted stones should come forward; else, ‘Harinaam Saptah’ would not be allowed to continue. (Mughal regime of police ! Police officers who are trying to impose ban on religious program of Hindus, should first take action against their own staff due to whom such situation was created ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat) Additional force from anti-riot squad was brought on the occasion.

MLA Vivek Patil has demanded action against drunken policemen who created havoc during ‘Harinaam Saptah’. Shri. Patil expressed strong displeasure over the incident in Assembly session.

H.B.P. Bapu Maharaj Raokar has also demanded action against policemen for hurting religious sentiments of Warkaris; withdraw cases against innocent Warkaris and allow remaining ‘Harinaam Saptah’ to go on smoothly. He has been on hunger strike and placed himself in front of ‘Vidhan Bhavan’.

H.B.P. Dhanaji Maharaj, the District-President of Warkari Mahamandal for Raigad has demanded in press conference to conduct inquiry of officers and taking of action against concerned policemen.

Two women from audience had gone to lodge complaint with the police but police behaved very rudely with them and did not allow them to even lodge a complaint.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat