Buddhists, Hindus together construct Chhorten in Solukhumbu

Buddhists, Hindus together construct Chhorten in Solukhumbu

Buddhists and Hindus in Salleri-7 in Solukhumbu district have jointly constructed a Buddha Chorten (a Buddhist shrine) as a symbol of religious harmony.
A new Chorten was constructed at Chhalyamu of Salleri-7 the same place where the old Chhorten was located. The old Chhorten was replaced by a new one as it was in dilapidated condition.
The Chhorten was constructed at the initiatives and support of all communities including Newar, Sherpa, Chhetri and Magar living in the area. The Chhorten was inaugurated on Tuesday. Its construction had started one month ago.
A total of Rs. 156,700 was invested to construct the Chhorten. The amount was provided by different individuals.

Source: Hindu News