Muslim mob stones Indian security personnel after Friday prayers


Muslim mob stones Indian security personnel after Friday prayers

The Babri Mosque was a triumphal mosque built on the site of a Hindu temple that Muslims had demolished. It was in turn demolished in 1992, and this is, predictably, an ongoing source of Muslim anger. “7 Hurt in Stone-hurling near Mecca Masjid on ‘Black Day,'” from the Express News Service, December 7:

Tension gripped Mecca Masjid area after afternoon prayers on Friday when a group of youngsters started pelting stones on the security personnel. In view of the ‘Black Day’, the 21st anniversary of demolition of Babri Masjid coinciding with Friday prayers, the city police made elaborate security arrangements, especially near the places of worships.

Seven persons including two constables of the Andhra Pradesh Special Police (APSP) and Central Reserve Protection Force (CRPF) were injured in the stone-pelting. Two vehicles, including a police vehicle were also damaged.

Trouble began when a group of youngsters after coming out the Mecca masjid after Friday prayers, began shouting slogans and rushed towards Moghalpura fire station road and started pelting stones at the police personnel. In the incident, the fire service officer Jabbar sustained bleeding injures. The fire service office was partially damaged.

While proceeding to Moghalpura, the mob also pelted stones on a police picket where APSP and CRPF forces were sitting. In the melee, an APSP constable Srinivas and CRPF constable Subodh Ghosh sustained head injures. The miscreants also thrashed two civilians who were passing by.

However one of the youth who was pelting stone was caught by Charminar MLA Ahmed Pasha Quadri. He was clad in a black shirt and was wearing a religious symbol on his neck. As the person refused to reveal his identity, the MLA thrashed him and handed him over to police alleging that some miscreants indulged in stone pelting after mingling with Muslim youth after Friday prayers. The MLA also lodged a complaint with the Moghalpura police demanding stern action against two persons who were caught by the MIM party workers for stone-pelting.

Hyderabad police commissioner Anurag Sharma said that cases were registered against some miscreants for creating nuisance after the prayers.

Source: Jihad Watch