Hindu Deities (Murthi) broken/set on fire by unknown perpetrators at Shahjadpur and Rangulnia Upazila of Serajgonj and Chittagong districts on 26th November, 2013 ( The Daily Protom Alo dated 28.11.2013)
A sense of insecurity amongst the Hindu communities at Rangunia and Shahjadpur prevailing,because their places of worships and deities were broken, desecrated and set on fire by unidentified perpetrators. More than 11 Hindu deities were broken on last Tuesday to defame their religion. As a result the belongings of the Temple were set ablaze.
It is alleged that “Uttaar Para Kali Mondir” and” Hari Mondir” at Shahjadpur within the district of Serajgonj are the oldest ( two hundred years old) situated. Side by side two temples were attacked on Tuesday night and eleven statues of Hindu deities were broken and set fire on the houses of Shebait –Sree Jowtish Chandra Ghosh and Aynal Hossain before they escaped. As soon as the fire broke out neighbor came at the spot and tried to control the fire from further extinguishing.
In Rangunia Upazila another Temple named “Rajjwa Bhawan Shib Temple” at Rajanagar was attacked on the same night on Tuesday by some unknown perpetrators, the belongings and utensils extinghished.
I, on behalf of Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) and GHRD enquired about the situation. The Assisistant Superintendent of Police, Shahjadpur Circle Md. Zillur Rahman informed me, on query, over cell phone No.01713374036 said that a case number 20, dated 27.11.13 under section 295/297 of Bangladesh penal code started but they could not arrest any perpetrators. Md. Zillur also gave me to understand that only two Hindu deities were broken not eleven, but the local people informed us that 11 deities were broken and damaged. But expressed inability to apprehend the criminals to justice as their names are not mentioned in the F.I.R. No accused has yet been apprehended.
Bangladesh Minority Watch also contacted with Md. Waliullah Oli, Officer in Charge of Rangunia Police station at Chittagong over his cell number 01713373645 who game me to understand that a case has been recorded under section 295/336/224 of Bangladesh Penal code without mentioning the names of the accused. No person has yet been arrested.
Bangladesh Minority Watch is very much concerned about the attack on religious places of Minority communities at Shahjadpur and Rangunia and we also demand immediate arrest of the perpetrators and they should be brought to book as per law.