The Hindus Hope Deepavali to Be Set as National Holiday

The facultative holiday granted by Jakarta Provincial Government for Hindus to celebrate Deepavali is very much appreciated because it gives Hindus the freedom to run their feast. Because of that, the Hindus are hoping that Deepavali could to be set as national holiday besides Galungan holiday.

“We thanked Jakarta Provincial Government for the facultative holiday granted. The upcoming November 30 will be the first time, nationally, Hindus from various ethnics celebrate Deepavali,” stated Head Committee of Deepavali National Celebration, AS Kobalen, Monday (11/25).

Indeed, Deepavali celebration is scheduled to be centered in the Grand Ball Room Seasons City, West Jakarta, on upcoming November 30. The celebration will be the initial momentum to make Deepavali as national holiday for Hindus in Indonesia, which currently being discoursed, besides Galungan holiday.

Meanwhile, Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI) Chairman, SN Suwisma, said that currently there are 10 million Hindus in Indonesia who come from various ethnics and tribes. Regarding Deepavali celebration, it is the celebration of victory for Hindus all around the world.

“After all, the origin of Hindu is India. Its spread is since thousands of years ago, including in Indonesia. Therefore, let us in Indonesia encourage Deepavali to be celebrated together in the world,” he uttered.

Regarding the discourse to set Deepavali as Hindus’ national holiday besides than Galungan, Suwisma told that it will be decided in the meeting by the panditas (priests). As for the difference between Deepavali and Galungan, it is only the matter of calculating the timing.

“Galungan uses wuku calculation which counts 210 days of arrival. While Deepavali, it uses saka year, which more-less are 360 days,” he finished.

Source: Berita Jakarta