No need to give importance to cricket or treat cricketers as Gods ! – Mumbai HC

Mumbai : The High Court has expressed a very frank opinion that there was no need to give so much importance to cricket and treat cricketers as Gods. The opinion was expressed by the Bench of High Court on a petition filed by a young cricketer.

A cricketer had applied for a job; but the Government informed him ‘as cricket was not included in the Olympics list of sports, your application cannot be considered.’ On such Government’s reply, the Court has opined that ‘the Government need not dismiss the application giving the said reason, but take a decision thinking independently. Basically, referring to Olympic Association is not required. That is a separate organisation for sports. There is no need to give so much importance to this game and to treat cricketers as Gods as this game is played only in 13 countries in the world; but in India, where cricketers are treated as Gods, one may not digest such views’, adjourning the hearing.

Source: Hindujagruti