An unruly mob consisting of members from Uluberia Junior Sporting Club thrashed distinguished child specialist Dr. Sourav Manna severely in his own chamber. The attack took place in the morning of 18th August after he refused to provide desirable subscription to them to celebrate Eid. Even though the doctor filed a complaint in the local police station of Uluberia none of the attackers, all of whom belonged to Muslim community, has been arrested yet. According to local sources, Uluberia Junior Sporting Club organized a cloth distribution program on 8th August and a competition (including quiz) on August 9 to celebrate Eid. A day-long football tournament was also organized by the club on 15th August 15 to observe Independence Day. Dr. Manna alleges that the Club asked him to pay Rs. 3001 as a subscription. Expressing his helplessness, he donated Rs 750 but it failed to satisfy members of the club leading to the assault. The amount of money donated by the doctor had also been returned. On 14th August, few members of the Club went to his residence to warn that his refusal to pay the desirable amount would invite dire consequences. Dr. Manna lodged a formal complaint to the local police station of Uluberia but there was no remedy. On August 16, a few youths of the Club visited his residence again and warned him. Finally on August 18, when Dr. Manna was busy with patients in his chamber, around 25 youths moved into his chamber and forced the patients to go out. This was followed by a vicious attack on the doctor, destroying much of his property as no one dared to prevent them. The incident has panicked the neighborhood. It has been learnt that Dr. Manna has been living in Uluberia Station Road for more than ten years and is known to be benevolent and a proficient physician. The police have not been able to state what prevented them from adopting suitable measures when the doctor lodged the first formal complaint. Mr Shyamal Kumar Samanta, SDPO of Uluberia, was found to evade the issue and has said only that an investigation is going on.