Petition Demanding Uniform/Common Civil Code in Republic of India


I feel this issue has the propensity for far reaching impact in solving India’s menace.  After all India, like every other democracy,

must have law of land equally applicable to every citizen regardless of religious or cultural bearing.  

Petition Demanding Uniform/Common Civil Code in Republic of India.



 Petition to Demand Immediate Implementation of Uniform Civil Code in The Republic of India.

I endorse the petition and urge you to sign it. Also, please forward it to your friends and acquaintances requesting them to not only sign but also beckon others to sign. This is a fervent appeal to safeguard freedom, harmony and justice.

Also, please forward it to your friends and acquaintances requesting them to not only sign but also beckon others to sign. This is a fervent appeal to safeguard freedom, harmony and justice.

Source: World Hindu Organization