World Hindu News Deepest Condolences And Prayers On The Death Of Dr. Mahesh Mehta

World Hindu News Offers It’s Deepest Condolences And Prayers On The Death of Dr. Mahesh Mehta. May Ishwar gives his family, friends and associates strength to overcome this irreparable loss. Dr. Mahesh Mehta will continue to inspire us through his work. ओम शांति शांति.

Dr. Maheshbhai Mehta’s Aatma has left his body for the onward journey today, December 14th at 11 AM, Bharat time (12:30 AM New York time.) after a protracted illness. Maheshbhai had just turned eighty-six.

There are not enough words to describe what Maheshbhai was. He was the pioneer of all Hindu movements in the USA. He founded Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America in 1970 and guided it for 45 years. He was instrumental in establishing Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, Overseas Friends of BJP, Indians For Democracy (IFD), Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation, Hindu Mandir Executives’ Conference (HEC) India Quality Group, and Global Indians for Bharat Vikas (GIBV) among many others.

A research scientist in the field of membrane technology, he held double doctorate degrees. His life was full of dedication and sacrifice. He constantly traveled all over the USA and visited many countries to awaken Hindu society. He inspired thousands of people to work for society and dharma. He was an excellent organizer and a formidable orator; he was a gifted writer. He has penned a book titled, Hindu Philosophy in Action, In Search of Universal Well-being tracing the journey of VHPA. Maheshhbai was also a close confidante of Bharat’s Prime Minister Shree Narendrabhai Modi for many years.

The President of Bharat awarded him Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award in 2017 for his Community Services. Within a span of seven months, VHPA has lost two of its brightest stars, Anjleebahen Pandya and now Maheshhbai Mehta. He leaves behind his Sah-Dharmacharini of more than 50 years, Raginibahen. It was Raginibahen’s tremendous sacrifice and support that made Maheshhbai a great man.


Dr. Mahesh Mehta was the co-founder of World Hindu News , on it’s launch in 2014, he said. 

” Saprem Namaste

I am very delighted to be associated with the inaugural function of the World Hindu News .com online service for publishing the news related to the Hindu World. I hope this effort will fill in the big void in raising awareness of the world community regarding the positive contributions of the Hindus around the world and also about the issues faced by Hindus, human rights violations of Hindus and injustice suffered by Hindus in the world. May Ishwar shower His Grace on the new venture in serving the World Hindu Communities.

Best Wishes and Regards,

Dr. Mahesh Mehta “

Bio-Profile of Dr. Mahesh Mehta